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THE ONLY THING SHE could think of was their conversation, sun-spilled words still hanging in her cloudy mind. There were so many things holding her back, so many unsaid thoughts, but she had merely changed the subject. When he hadn't even pressed the issue, just smiled at her somewhat sadly and talked on, her heart had broken.

She had wanted to be Mateo's strength since forever, the one who would support him and be there for him. Yet these days all she seemed to do was hurt him. All this holding back, was it for something? Somehow with each passing minute, it seemed like the cage she had built around them had been one without air and the both of them were suffocating within it.

He wasn't healed from his father's death and maybe he would never be, but he wasn't broken either. As he laughed and reminisced about his father, she couldn't help but think he hadn't been the one not allowing himself to heal, but she had been. It was a harrowing thought. When she looked at him then she couldn't find the grief etched in his body anymore, just a gentle softness in his eyes, one she felt she had failed to see fully before. It was then, as he had turned towards her, his eyes glistening with heartbreak, that she couldn't help herself.

So she had grasped his wrist and when he hadn't broken like glass under her grip, she had kissed him. For the first time in years, she could feel them both breathe, and when she pulled back he was a wildfire at noon, full on blazing. His eyes were wide, colored with surprise and his lips parted, like he couldn't believe this was happening.

"Gabriela," he breathed, like her name was a prayer and she was an angel.

Her hands had found it's way to his face, her lips brushing against his again, in a touch not quite like a kiss. She had pulled away to speak, but more importantly, to let him reply. When he didn't, his starry-eyed gaze focused on her in a baffled stare, she bit his lip.

That seemed to have shaken him awake at least and she stepped back, disentangling herself from him to give him a moment.

"Why?" he said softly.

"You asked about my type," she shrugged," I replied."

He blinked, looking more stunned than she had ever seen him. When he parted his lips, his laugh tumbled down it like butterflies, fluttering in the air.

"Really, Gabriela?" he said, like he still couldn't believe it," do you mean it?"

She grabbed his collar then, pulling him closer. "Do I ever do something without meaning it, Mateo?"

He searched her face one more time and when he found what he was looking for, euphoria danced across his eyes. His hand tangled itself in her hair, the other tipping her chin up. After one last look, he kissed her again, soft at first but then deeper, his hand sliding to her waist and pulling her closer, as if the warmth of her body would convince him this was real.

When they both pulled away, breathless and quiet, Gabriela glanced to the right, Sahar and Jay so far off in the distance that she couldn't see them anymore.

"They really left us behind," she mused.

"I'm glad for it," Mateo said, hand brushing across her cheek.

He still seemed dazed, but didn't let her go, like she would vanish if he did. They stared at each other then, the world seeming to stand still for a moment. When he broke the silence it was with one word, the wind playing with his messy hair.

"Really?" he said quietly, the underlying question clear to her.

"Really," she said, squeezing his hand, before adding," unless you don't want to, of co -"

"I want to," he said quickly, cupping her face in his hands," I have wanted this since forever, Nena." His smile was cheeky then as he let his eyes wander across her face, like he was memorizing every line. "This is a proposal, by the way."

"For marriage or a relationship, Mateo?" she said, an eyebrow raised.

"Both," he grinned," but I'll start with a relationship."

He took a step backwards then, breathing in and shaking his head, as if to disperse all thoughts. When he looked her in the eye again she couldn't help but stare, at his tousled locks, his sharp jawline, the sharp contrast of his white shirt against his sunkissed skin. He flashed her a charming smile then, his low voice tinged with love.

"Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend, Gabriela?"

She rolled her eyes at how dramatic he had asked it, but that didn't keep her from smiling. So she grabbed his face and placed a kiss on his lips again, a warm promise.

"Yes," she whispered, their noses brushing.

"Mateo! Mateo, are you here?"

The shouts interrupted them then and Mateo's gaze snapped towards the voice, as if he had forgotten that there were people besides the two of them. She trailed her hand across his cheek then, but a second later seperated herself from him, face calm as she saw Jay and Sahar in the distance.

They were both not looking at them yet, the trees giving them cover. Jay was frowning, placing a hand above his eyes to shield them from the sun, Sahar beside him searching a bush.

"I knew he would get lost," Jay scowled.

"I'm surprised," Sahar said as she peeked behind a tree," I thought Gabby would keep him on the right path. She seems like a human compass."

"She does," Jay agreed.

"What the hell?" Mateo said, hand placed on his heart in betrayal," why do they think I don't have a good sense of direction?"

"Because you don't," Gabriela said matter-of-factly.

Mateo's lips parted in shock as he looked at her, before he dramatically shook his head. "You too, Nena?"

"I'm only speaking the truth," she said.

He placed his hands on the tree behind her then, trapping her between them as he dipped his head, lips brushing against her ear.

"You know," he murmured," you're supposed to take my side as my girlfriend."

In response she flicked him on his forehead.

"Not the time for this," she said.

He rubbed a hand across the sore spot, face set in a pout. When he took a step back she turned her head around the tree, calling out to Sahar. The girl was sitting on her knees in the grass, not minding the stains on her colorful, very expensive dress. Though Gabriela had no idea why Sahar was thinking that she'd find them behind a bush, she just decided to ignore it.

As soon as the girl noticed her, her eyes lit up and she jumped to her feet, stumbling back when she lost her footing. Jay quickly rushed to her side and caught her, eyes alight with worry. She didn't seem to be fazed at all though, smiling up at him from her position in his arms.

"There they are!" she said, pointing a blue-painted nail at them.

Jay let out a sigh of relief when he saw them, before quickly trying to hide it with a cough. Still, Mateo hadn't missed it and he grinned widely as they started walking towards them.

"I know you missed me, Jay," he said," just admit it. I'd understand if you didn't have a reason to live anymore without me."

Gabriela had expected him to run to Jay to mess with him further, but instead he laced his fingers through hers as they walked. Jay's frown deepened when he saw it, worried gaze quickly flicking to Gabriela, like he was sure she would floor Mateo for it.

When she didn't, he raised his eyebrows in a silent question. Sahar was jumping up and down beside him, tugging at Jay's arm in an attempt to cool her excitement.

"Is this what I hope it is?" Sahar said.

Mateo glanced at her, as if unsure she was okay with him telling everyone, so she answered that question for him, her words clear.

"We're dating."

A glance to him showed her that Mateo was practically beaming, a proud smile on his face. He raised their intertwined hands to his lips then, pressing an affectionate kiss on the back of hers.

"We are," he murmured.

Kisses after midnight (WICKED #0) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now