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THE EXCITEMENT FOR THE test of courage was almost palpable. They had spent most of the day lazing away, but even Luca and Milo seemed somewhat eager to start. The ones which got Gabriela's attention were Jay and Mateo though, both of them whispering away ever since Jay had pulled Mateo aside. She wasn't sure what kind of weird plan they were thinking of, but whatever it was, she already knew it was way too dramatic.

One glance at Sahar, who was happily talking with Penelope about how often Jay smiled now, was enough to know that whatever plan he had was too elaborate. If he asked her out here and now, Gabriela knew Sahar would say yes. Still, the fact he was going all out for her was good, especially because the girl deserved nothing but the best.

Night had dawned on the forest like a blanket, the sky saturated in a soft navy, speckled with stars and clouds. From far away the rumblings of a storm could be heard, the trees only shadows now, with their only source of light the bonfire crackling in the middle of the clearing. All around it teenagers were laughing and talking, the principal stopping to talk to a few as he passed through. Once he got to the edge he held out the cardboard box in his hands and shook it, the paper lots inside rustling.

"The test of courage begins now, my lovely students," he boomed," get in line and draw your lot to see if you're a ghost or a participant. If you're a ghost you will always be paired with three, so no worries, raise your hand and the teachers will bring you to your assigned spot."

"What about if you're not a ghost, sir?" Mateo called out," can you decide your own partner then?"

"Of course," Clarkson smiled," you can pair up with whomever you want to, son. I want this to be fun for you all."

A few kids cheered and the principal beamed at them. When they all got in line Gabriela's gaze was drawn to the shadows behind him. The forest was large and quiet, but despite the lack of light it somehow didn't feel eery at all. Clarkson had stuck paper arrows to guide them on the trees, all the same neon yellow as his tracksuit, and the first tree donned a big cartoon ghost, the text bubble by it's head welcoming them to the test of courage.

"So, how will we pair up?" Penelope said," do you want to do this couple style or -"

Jay tapped on Sahar's shoulder then, cheeks red but voice steady. "Hey Sahar."

"Couple style it is," Penelope nodded amusedly, before making her way to Imani.

"Hey Jae-Soo," Sahar smiled at him.

Though Gabriela knew how quickly his face contorted at his name, whenever Sahar said it he seemed at ease. His lips tugged up slightly and he stared at her like she carried the world in her eyes, traveling all the way to her lips and back.

"Do you want to do the test of courage together?" he said.

Sahar's expression lit up and she flashed her teeth at him. "Of course! I'd love to."

Mateo appeared from beside Gabriela, seeming to have sneakily blended in with the background to watch his friend. She wasn't even surprised, it was a miracle already that he hadn't been cheering Jay on right beside him. Still, the amusement flickered in her eyes, only fading into something warmer when he took her hand in his.

"It seems that just leaves us two," Mateo grinned. His eyes sparkled as he looked at the forest. "I'm really excited, this seems like so much fun."

"Did you forget about me, Mateo?" Chase said, standing beside them and looking hurt.

Mateo spun around, lips already parting for whatever speech he was to give, but Gabriela didn't wait around for it. The principal called her and she took her lot, unfolding it to see her fate. When she deciphered the word ghost out of the scribbly handwriting she turned around to Mateo, holding it up.

Kisses after midnight (WICKED #0) | ✓Where stories live. Discover now