Chapter 14

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"Aunt Giovanna, it is so great to see you again" Valentino gave his favorite aunt a huge hug. The woman was dressed in brown faux fur coat which covered her nude wrap dress underneath. She was looking as fresh as usual despite her age. Giovanna had paid several visits to Valentino to fulfill her promise to her brother. She had been teaching him how to properly manage the company while his brother was still unconscious, but that day was the first time she had visited him after Alessio was awake and better, they were at Valentino's own apartment, further away from preying eyes of his father's staff.

Since Valentino was not planning to go back to Milan anytime soon and he also did not want to reside with his parents since he was afraid of picking a fight with any of them knowing that Alessio would stay there, he had decided to stay in an apartment which was one of the family's property. It was pretty comfortable and he had gotten used to the feeling of being alone. It was better than being in the family house. Though he had to say his aunt's visit did delight him, since he knew she was one of the few family members who actually appreciated his existence and talent. She was the opposite of his father, who always favored Alessio, she actually had a preference for Valentino, which in return, allowed him to be more comfortable around her.

She put her coat in the hanging pole, tapping her Stuart Weitzman heels on the hard wood floor to the living room, where she took a seat on his ivory sofa, she looked around and it did not take her long to notice that Valentino must have ordered and designed everything himself, not from scratch of course, but despite being a fashion designer, he also had a great eye on interior designs, or just any designs in general. Everything looked harmonious, she could only imagine it must be such a delight to live in there.

"I was not expecting your visit today, what has brought you here?" Valentino asked as he took a seat across her. It was weekend, and he was wearing a comfortable t shirt and some shorts. Looking casual as his hair was roughly combed without pomade on, allowing his front bang to curl up on his forehead, giving him a more youthful look. He appeared relaxed, which was not a mood he had experienced much since his arrival in Rome. It made Giovanna relaxed a bit herself, but she had come there with a rather serious purpose.

"Well, I want to see you to talk about your brother. He has woken up, hasn't he? I was not able to visit him just yet. I am planning to pay him a visit today after this but before that I want to check up on you"

"What is there to talk about regarding him, auntie? Obviously he's going to go back to his old position. My job there is done, and father has offered me a position as the company's new creative director, and since I don't plan to go back to Milan, I'll probably take up the position and help with the business" Giovanna raised her eyebrow. The kid still did not know how to shut up and listen first when it came down to a more heated subject, she sighed before she continued.

"I know the real reason why you are here Valentino. You are here for Valeria, aren't you? You may be able to cover it from the rest of your family, but not to me. I have known you since you were born, you are like my son already, don't lie to me about it"

"If it is true, what are you going to do? Are you going to tell me to back off like the rest of them?" he asked, she shook her head.

"No, it's not that, it's the opposite, I would like to help you. I don't agree with what your father and Alessio is doing to that woman. I know about everything since the beginning, and I was silent because of my respect to your father and my love for your older brother. However, before your brother's accident, I discovered something which made me change my mind. I want to help you get Valeria back. I know how much you love that woman, and she deserves someone like you, not Alessio" he could not believe he was hearing those words from her. For a moment he thought she must be kidding, but when he stared at her eyes, she looked dead serious.

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