Chapter 22

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Alessio sped walk to the hospital where Valeria was located, she had to get in a phone fight with his brother for him to even mention the address, he did not know why but his heart was filled with so much rage and uncertainty. How could Valentino make a move on her knowing he was already fully conscious and well? That brother of his had truly crossed his line and as much as he wanted to take a deep breath and just let him be, he could not, because at that point, there was a high risk that Valeria would slip out of his fingers. It would ruin everything he had built with her for years.

Once he had arrived, he nearly slammed the door open, the only thing that kept him from destroying everything was the fact that he was in a hospital. Otherwise, he might have run in and punched Valentino on the face.

The first sight he saw was Valentino standing near the hospital's bed, gazing at her unconscious body as a doctor examined her. Valentino turned his head to face Alessio, and the only emotion he had for his brother then was disappointment and wrath. Still, he held himself back from causing a ruckus in the room. None of the men wanted to get kicked out, so they had to behave.

After three minutes or so, the doctor walked over to Valentino, and told him she would be just fine. Her pulses were normal and her body was stabilizing, she should be awake soon. Both men were relieved to hear it, they thanked the doctor who soon left the men alone in the room with her. Once they were alone, Alessio suddenly grabbed Valentino by the collar, dragging him to the wall with a heightened fury.

"What did you do to her? Why is she laying there? Tell me Valentino, what the hell did you do to my fiancee" Alessio might have been tall, but Valentino was slightly larger built, he pushed his brother and straightened his collar.

"It should be me who asked you the question. What the hell were you thinking? You cheated on her with a woman named Rosanna Ricci, did not you? You were the one who let her go in the first place the moment you cheated on her!" hearing Rosanna's name being mentioned, Alessio's heart almost dropped. His face turned pale and he took a step back from Valentino who was maintaining a distance between them.

"How do you-" Valentino let out a comical laugh.

"How do I know about her? Well, brother, that is not important now, is it? What's important is the fact that you betrayed her. You betrayed, Valeria! Do you have any idea how hurt she was when she found out about it? She fainted because she was hurt by your betrayal. You are the reason for her current state. You and your bloody affair with that woman in Prague" he nearly raised his voice. His heart was hurt by the thought of his brother's betrayal toward the woman he loved so much. Alessio had no idea what Valentino would do to trade places with him since the beginning, how he had craved and desired for her love, for her touch and embrace, for her smile every single day for nearly his whole life. No, Alessio would never know that. How could he? He was always the golden child, loved by everyone, had everything he had ever wanted, everything was given to him for nothing, how could he know that feeling of desiring something so bad you would kill and die for it?

"You told her about it? Do you know what you have just done!?" Alessio was starting to get really pissed and guilty at the same time. He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration as he stole a glance at Valeria, who was still unconscious.

"I did not tell her about it, she saw it herself. Today, we went to the woman's house. She had met her, and I have to admit, that woman was not the kind of woman I thought she was. She actually had some decency in her. On the other hand, you lied to her, you never told her about your engagement with Valeria. You misled the woman and act like no one would ever find out about it. Brother, I used to respect you, but now I have lost every bit of respect I have for you. At the end of the day, my brother is nothing but a cheater and a liar" Valentino spat. He had never felt so disgusted by his own brother in his life. He was not sure if he would ever see him the same way again, especially after what he had done.

"You-" before Alessio could say anything else, they heard a grunt and their head turned toward Valeria, who was moving her hand in her chest by then. She struggled to open her eyes, because something inside her never wanted to open them again, but at the end she eventually woke up and the first thing she saw was Alessio's face.

All of the sudden the pain rushed back in her heart. It was too much she had to clench tightly on her chest. Valentino immediately rushed to her side and touched her shoulder gently, trying to calm her down and did everything he could to make her breath properly.

"Valeria" Alessio whispered as he tried to approach her. Just then she suddenly shouted as she faced her palm toward his direction.

"Stop, don't move any closer! I don't want to see you, get out!" she did not know where she even found the energy to shout but she felt incredibly tired afterward. She had only woken up and she barely could sit straight.

"Valeria, let me explain everything to you. I have-" at that point the pain in her chest became stronger as everything became clearer, and she had to turn to Valentino for help.

"Please, Valentino, bring this man away from my sight. I really don't want to see him, please" she pleaded as tears started to gather in the rim of her eyes. Valentino immediately stood up and grabbed his brother by the arm.

"Alessio, just leave, she doesn't want to see you" Alessio tried to break free from his grip but Valentino's grip was stronger. He stared at Valeria with a begging stare, asking her to just listen when she did not even want to face him. She had her face facing the floor as she started to cry again.

Valentino heard her sobbing becoming louder the longer Alessio stayed, he stared at his brother and spoke with a stern voice.

"Please, just leave. Your presence is suffocating her" Alessio stared at his brother in disbelief, but judging by the circumstance, it was only a matter of minutes before he had a security guard throwing him out instead. He thought if he was going to leave, at least he would leave with dignity. He eventually loosened his arm from Valentino's grip and walked out of the room with a heavy heart.

After Alessio was gone, Valentino rushed over to her side, he wanted, no, needed to comfort her. He was not the best at feelings, but he needed to do something for her. He placed both of his palms on her cheek and slightly brought them up, so her eyes was directly meeting his, and she was still looking down as he gently wiped away her tears with his thumb.

"Valeria, please look at me... he's gone, okay" those words seemed to be working as she eventually gazed up to meet his stare. Once he was

"The man who betrayed you is gone. But I am here, Valeria. I am here for you, and I will never let anyone, not even myself to ever hurt you. He doesn't deserve your tears, You deserve the world, Valeria, you have no idea how precious you are. You are the most important thing in the world for me" Valeria did not know how she was supposed to take his words. In her lifetime, she had expected to hear those words form another man. She had hoped to hear those words from Alessio, someone she had loved dearly for the vast majority of her life. Someone who she thought was her equal. The man she had put her whole trust in turned out to be nothing but a backstabber. She could not even begin to describe the pain he had caused her.

"Valeria, you can let it all out. If you want to cry, just cry. I'll lend you my shoulder and arms. My whole body is yours. Use them to your needs"

She could not hold it anymore, she hugged him tightly and cried loudly in his chest, letting all the pain and anger out. He caressed her hair gently as he kissed the top of her head, breathing in her scent he had yearned so long to smell. She knew she should not have acted like that with the brother of her fiancee, but at that moment, she did not even care anymore, she just needed a relief, she just wanted someone to stay beside her.

And that person is Valentino

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