Chapter 1

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𝓘𝓷𝓿𝓮𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓑𝓪𝓴𝓾𝓰𝓸𝓾

   I awoke in a strange room, it was weirdly familiar but the colors where different.

   I looked up shyly, peering through the blond, wait blond? spikes that fell over my eyes, I saw what looked to be my classmates, but just like the room there colors where different.

  But that's not the most suprising thing, kirishima bared a jolly smile, Mina was sharing something on her phone with Sero. kaminari wasn't reading, and Aizawa looked dead inside.

      I don't think they noticed I was awake. My fingers gripped the edge of the blanket that laid over me. I bolted up with a panicked expression, my eyes darting around the room while my breathing quickened.

   "Oh! Bakubro's awake!" Kirishima yelled excitedly. Wait? Bakubro?!?!? I looked at him with a confused and panicked expression, pulling the covers up to hide my face.

   Kirishima, who was running over, slowed his pace to a walk. "You ok bro?" Kaminari asked, now with a face of concern.

Mina started to walk over as well, raising her hand. I closed my eyes and tensed, expecting to get hit only for a hand to be placed on my shoulder. I opened my eyes slowly to see her hand on my shoulder, she held a wary expression. Why?

"Wha..." I whispered in confusion.

"You alright bakubro?" Kirishima asked, stopping besides my bed. My mouth opened and closed, no words being able to form.

"Shoo! Shoo!" Recovery girl shoo'ed away 'my' classmates, leaving only her and Aizawa.

I waited for recovery girl to come over, tell me as long as I'm not dead I'm not her problem, and kick me out. But instead she just looked at me with a soft expression.

   I sunk lower into the bed, the only visible part of me, being my eyes. "Bakugou, is everything alright?" Aizawa asked hesitantly. I kept my mouth shut, this wasn't the Aizawa i knew. My Aizawa isn't tired and hesitant! Plus, my Aizawa has white hair! Not black... what is happening?

    He must have noticed how my breathing was beginning to quicken, his face shifting into something of suspicion, his fingers gripped tight around his capture weapon, knuckles white.

   "Who are you and what have you done with bakugou!" He snapped, his eyes glowing red. Red?! There supposed to glow blue!!!???

   "I-I am k-katsu-Katsuki Bakugou" I stuttered out in a panicked tone. I looked around against, the room was so familiar yet so different it hurt to look at. "W-where am I-I" I whispered, my eyes meeting aizawa's.

   My eyes burned, tears threatening to spill. "Do you not remember...?" Aizawa asked, concerned now.

   "I remember... pain" I whispered.

  "Tell me what you remember" Aizawa grumbled, glancing towards an equally confused recovery girl.

    "W-well... we w-where going t-to train at th-the gamma gym th-thing. W-we where a-about to leave w-when all I f-felt was p-pain"

He nodded and seemed to think for a moment, "y-you never a-answered m-my question..." I muttered shyly, messing with my newly blond hair, which I'm still confused about. My hair's black, not blond.

He sighed, "Your in recovery girls office" Aizawa grumbled, my face switched to one of confusion.

"but... I-it dosnt l-look right" I whispered to myself.

"what do you mean?" Aizawa asked.

"The colors... y-you dont l-look right either... a-and your acting w-weird... y-your n-not ai-Aizawa" I gasped at the realization, my blood running cold.

   The man who looked like Aizawa gave me a concerned and suspicious look. "Wh-where am I!?" I repeated, panicking.

    "Your at the #1 hero school I japan, UA" he said slowly, suddenly everything froze.

"... h-hero school?"

   "No... no no no no no..." I repeated over and over again, my fingers running through my newly blond hair.

   "What's wrong..." Aizawa asked, not sure if the boy before him is a villain or some distorted form of his student. Quirks were fickle things after all, wouldn't be the first time a student of his has drastically changed because of being hit by a quirk.

    "I-I'm supposed to be at UA... the #1 𝘷𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘯 school in japan"

•709 word count•

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