Chapter 24

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??? POV

I honestly hadn't thought it go this far. I thought that by now that they would've been switched back. But no. The hunt to 'save' Bakugou was still on.

I'm confused, to say the least. Why did his friends care so much about him? He was a rude, selfish asshole.

No one had loved me, like they loved Bakugou. Not until recently. So why?

I had been there for others, while Bakugou only cared for himself. I was a HERO, Bakugou was a villain!

Even then, everyone should be happy that they switched places! This new Bakugou is so sweet, and kind, and caring, a hero. The other Bakugou was a bully! A villain by heart, and once a villain, always a villain.

If my suspicions are correct, which they are, I know. Bakugou should be exactly where he belongs. In a world of villains.

The people here should be celebrating, not searching.

I did it to protect him. He'll realize it soon enough. If I hadn't, Bakugou would have hurt him. And I can NOT let that happen.

When... when they, the... league of something, (they hadn't clerrified, but this girl had accidentally spilled something about a league). I had been sceptic, suspicious.

But then they offered something he couldn't refuse. A promise. A promise to make the attacks on UA stop. And that meant protecting him.

And all I had to do, was use my quirk on one student. One student!? It was THAT easy.

He will get over it, he will learn to cope. He'll be friends with this new Bakugou.

(I hadn't anticipated that he wouldn't switch back. I thought they would switch, a lesson would be learned, and the magic of friendship would take over!)

But no. It did not happen that way, and honestly, I couldn't be happier.

(The league of something has been silent. But he has been safe. And that's all that matters to me.)


When he brings them over, I realize it isn't just Bakugou. Why are his friends so... toxic? Their bullies!? How does he not realize?!

No worry. I will fix it.


They switched back. The pink one, I could feel it. I can't explain it, since it's only the second time I've used my quirk. (The first time being on Bakugou)

Something feels off. A shift. Whatever it is. It's unwelcome. I feel sick sometimes, I feel emotions that aren't mine.

Sadness, anger, hope, anxiety, helplessness, rage, there's the feeling of sadness again...

Anger, rage, relief, worried, but... sad. Again.

Why am i feeling these emotions? I know they aren't mine. I have nothing to be sad about. I'm overjoyed! So... why?


I can't get out of bed today. I just feel so sick. Maybe I'm dying? No. I'd know if I was dying. I think?

Something is off, nothing feel right. Everything just seems so out of place.


I tell the league. I don't know why, but I do. The tell me it's probably nothing.


The feeling of sickness has mostly passed. But the thing that replaces it isn't much better.


Why do I feel so guilty? I'm protecting him! I shouldn't feel this way! Why! Why! Why!


He's been silent. He's worried.

I'm not. (I lie, the guilt is overwhelming but I just can't! I've contemplated just turning myself in, but I'm already to far in. No turning back I suppose) I'm happy! He'll get over this sooner or later. Once he gets past this wave of grief he'll realize this is a good thing! I know it will!








I had a dream. I saw Bakugou.

Bakugou isn't happy with me. He wants back.

I'm confused. He should be happy, just like everyone else is. So why isn't he?

He's finally where he should be. He can be a villain with the pressure of society anymore! He can let his true self out.

But he doesn't. He's still so set on being a hero.

But no matter. Just like everyone else here, they'll get over it. It's just a matter of time. This is good for them!








Did I do the right thing?


Hey y'all!

Sorry about not updating for awhile! Actually, the next updates are probably going to be more spaced out anyway.

It's not that I'm not interested or anything! I'm having as much fun writing this as you are reading this! It's just... ending a book hits different then starting a book, y'know?

Anyway! I have some options for y'all! Pls vote which one you want! Voting will end on the 12th (but even if it passes you can still vote, just as long as there aren't any new updates after lmao.)

•I finish up the chapter but don't post them one at a time. Instead I just go ahead and finish them all up and then publish them all at once.

•I keep updating like normal.

Anyway y'all, bye! Have a wonderful day!

Anyway y'all, bye! Have a wonderful day!

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