Chapter 25: Paranoia

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---------Sorry for the wait, I had writer's block :/ It sucked and I felt like I was going to die. Buuuuuut it's all good now! :D So read on, and keep an open mind. Jumping to conclusions hinders surprise and fuels expectation, which is never good when reading heh. MOVE ALONG>>>>>>----------

~Next day~

"I DIDN'T KILL ANYONE! THAT LITTLE FAGGOT IS LYING! RELEASE ME OR I'LL SUE!" Gage and I watched with apprehension as Barnes and Malotti cuffed Wiggins outside the office, everyone in the hall standing and watching with open mouths. Wiggins quickly resorted to yelling and denying, then to the threats.

"Sir you have been read your rights, now shut up." Malotti says, and jerks him a bit, dragging him by one arm down the hall, Barnes holding the other. She casts me a quick smile, and soon they are out the doors. We all stand there, the silence thick after all the commotion. I half expected cheers, but the whispers started instead, which were just as loud for some reason. 

"All students are excused for the rest of the day." Suddenly sounds out from the intercom, the secretary sounding shocked. Everyone quickly scatters, shooting me curious glances on their way. I guess it's understandable, I wouldn't know whether to say something or scurry off. I wish they could have done this yesterday, but they said they needed time to organise the evidence against him. 

"Levi, let's go. We can talk when we get back." I look at Gage confused.

"About what?" 

"Just everything. I do have to make sure you're okay, you know. This hasn't exactly been peaceful. More like a tornado." I nod, feeling detached for some reason. Something doesn't feel right here. 

"Gage, does this...seem right to you?" He looked shocked.

"Wiggins is awful. If anything this is letting him off easy."

"No no, that's not what I mean. I just have this feeling. Like, something bad...very bad is getting the best of us. Like someone is watching us, waiting." I glance around, a chill going down my spine. Gage wraps an arm around my middle and pulls me closer, looking around as well. 

"Now that you mention it...yes, it does feel that way. Stay close just in case." He keeps his arm around me as we walk, getting our things and exiting the school. I make him take the bus with me to his house, instead of walking.

When we get on, Sal nods to us and we sit next to him. I look out the window to my right, scanning the throng of teenagers. Nothing suspicious, not a bit. What is this feeling? It's gnawing away at my gut, and sending icy tremors down my back.

Gage is looking out the windows on his side, so I look behind our seat. Kids talking, laughing. No unusual trouble. My eyes focus on something out the back window, widening when I swear I see Madeline standing behind the bus, a vicious smirk on her face and something shining in her fist. Is that...a wrench? Aw what the hell! I spin around, shaking Gage furiously as Sal drives out of the school and down the street.

"What, what?!" I point shakily behind us, and he looks for a few seconds before turning back to face me with a confused expression.

"There's nothing there, Levi." And of course when I look back she isn't there. I sigh, rubbing my shaking hands together. Gage places one hand on both of mine, and I look up at him.

"It's alright, Levi. Calm d-" BANG!

"AAAAAHHHHH!" I lurch forward in my seat, grabbing onto the bar beside my head. Girls in the back are screaming, and Gage has his arms wrapped firmly around me. Flipping my hair out of my eyes, I look at Gage then at Sal, who pops the hood and gets out, walking to the front of the bus. Gage and I meet eyes again, and I scoot myself closer to Gage and clutch him back tightly. What the hell is going on?


Everyone was forced to get off the bus, and those who could walk home walked, while the rest went back to the school to catch rides with friends. Sal is the only bus driver and this is the only bus. I told Gage to wait a second, while I went and talked to Sal in front of the bus. 

"What happened Sal?" I ask him, and he looks down at me.

"I don't want to worry you or nothin', but somebody been tampering with this here mechanics under the hood. Made the bus stall and who knows what else it's goin' to do." He says frustratedly, poking around under the hood. My face pales, the image of Madeline standing with a wrench in her hand appearing in my mind. 

"S-Sal," I gulp. "Say I knew who 'been tamperin' with the mechanics. Could I tell you?" He looks at me seriously, coming up and putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Now you stay out of that kind o' thing. I don't wants you in more trouble than you already is. Tattling will just tick him-or her, off more. I care about you boy, and I also don't wants you getting hurt for nothin'. S'just a broken bus, didn't injure nobody no how." I sniff, giving Sal a quick side hug and nodding. 

"Okay. Thanks Sal, and please be careful." He snorts, wiping his hands on his shirt.

"Gonna take a lot more than a broken engine to harm sturdy ol' Sal." I fake a smile, and turn around hastily before he could see my tears. Why am I crying?! Ugh! I guess...I care about Sal a lot more than I thought I did.

I walk back to Gage, and he senses I don't want to talk and just takes my hand, rubbing his thumb across the top. Please stay safe, Sal.

We get back soon, slouching through the door and to his room. I flop on the bed as soon as we get there, letting out a heavy sigh. Gage does the same soon after, and I look over at him with tired eyes. He runs a hand through my hair, and pulls me to him, cuddling me gently. There, the day catches up with us and we both fall into a deep, much needed sleep.

----------I know it is short, but I have some meaty stuff planned for the next chapter, plus I am tired since I turned 16 today and was busy n' stuff lol <3. Next one will be extra extra good, I promise guys.  It is also unedited cos I want to sleep now heh, sorry! It's okay if you hate me, I still love you. :)-----------

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