Chapter 2

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Wait holdup, why did I do that, I never freak out on a usual day.
He's cute..
So?... I've dated guy who look better than him.
"Not the ones that live beside you"
My subconscious drops in. Nosey as ever. I try ignoring her to gather my thoughts, what the heck Is wrong with me I've not even spoken to him or anything jeez.. Get your senses back together Callie. I repeat to my self for a while.. I really wished Saturday wasn't still far I miss my brother so much and college classes starts tomorrow, actually it starts on Monday, but I need to be there tomorrow which is Sunday at least to be able to arrange my things in my dormitory, what am I going to wear? can I continue as I was in high school? are all my books intact? are my headphones charged? did i get everything for my hostel and classes that were on the list? What if my professor is really strict and doesn't give a damn about me especially since I'm in my first year? So many questions fill my head of course. Typical Callie always over thinking everything, I just can't help it.
"chill out it will be fine" my subconscious says lazily, trying to block her ear from listening to me.. Yh it will.. Hopefully..
I sit back up on my bed, fish for my phone in my laptop bag.. 3missed videos calls from my brother.. Shit.. I call him back he doesn't pick until the second ring.
"Cals" my brother says when he picks up, I know him to well to know he is smirking because he made an abbreviation with my name.
"Dore" I say as well since he started with the abbreviations, he hates when I call him Dore, his full name is Theodore I could just call him Theo but I find pleasure in making him angry. "call me that one more time and I promise you I will increase my stay here" he threatens me. One good thing about him, when he's threatening me his threats are blank.. But when he's threatening an idiot or loser trying to take a pass on me or just total dicks, his threats always hold meaning, you could see it by just looking at his eyes. He is real tall, tanned and muscular, he's really cute and has all the characteristics of a narcissist, I'm sure if he wasn't my brother I would have had a huge crush on him. "did u hear what I said Cals?" he says.. I had forgotten he was on the line. "Na, I wasn't listening sorry, what did you say tho?" I say trying my best to listen this time. "I was asking you how you like the house If it's up to your taste and what you think about resuming tomorrow" he repeats. I tell him all about the house which he already knows but still he listens to the details, we go on talking about school tomorrow, he's in college with me but he is in his third year.. He is obviously used to college life, I ask him about how he felt and how he finally made friends and all in his first year, he gives me the gist as usual with no detail left out, we go on talking for like two hours on video call, I feel I should tell him about Adrien but then what is there to tell we aren't even friends .. I ask him about his girlfriend Triesten, it's cute that both their names starts with T. Last year he got the both of them matching necklaces with T+T on both, I thought that was the cutest thing ever "she's here hold on" he calls out for her, she comes towards where he sits and sits on his laps.. Oh.. She waves at me and we talk for another ten minutes.. Damn she's gorgeous. Theo then stops the both of us talking on the phone knowing we won't stop if he doesn't stop us, and besides he knows how gay I can be sometimes.. I once was really into girls.. Now, well they are just girls to me,I still like some tho but I'm really good at hiding my emotions, I am back to being into what people think I should be Into, not because of them tho, but it's because it's what I want.. Theo sends me off to bed with "I love you".. He knows me well to know I won't reply.. I smile at him and wave at Triesten before ending the call. I am so tired, I check the time it's just eight o'clock I set my alarm for two o'clock for tomorrow afternoon , I bring out my daily planner, and plan everything I am going to do tomorrow with the appropriate time and place.... I am actually just going to wander around till I know at least all the places that are pretty close to my dorm... It has always been my hobby to plan my life since I started high school.. I laugh back at the memory of starting high school now I'm done ready to start college. I finish up with my planning, tie my hair up and get ready to have a quick bath, i can feel my eyes closing slightly. I undress, put out my pajamas and get into the tub which is bubbling with hot water and my bathing soap. I sit inside and relax not doing anything for a few minutes just reminiscing. I finally work my hands to my body and wash up, shampoo my hair and all the necessary things you do when you bath, When I am finally satisfied I rinse out and towel my body and my hair with two different towels, I hope I sleep well, I'm moving to the dorms tomorrow which makes me glad I won't be left here with my mum. Not that she's bad she's just annoying sometimes (most times) and besides I've lived in the dorms my whole life since high school.. My bags for the dorms have been packed and put in the car, I smile at my ever still present clean and tidy spirit.. I think about how my first day will be, and how I will try to make friends, I can be really Antisocial at times. I drift of slowly thinking about Adrien once again after three hours.

A/N: so for the record I am writing this story straight from my head, I feel if I write it down like I usually do, I would get tired of the story and I might never finish it lol. Hope you're enjoying the story. Much love please vote and comment, it means a lot thanks.

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