Chapter 5

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The month goes by quickly just like I hoped it would, today is Friday and I still haven't called my dad to tell him I'm coming home to take one of his cars. I dress up and get ready for school, Chloe is around, I see her trying to fix her makeup by her beside mirror. "hey Cal, Morning- how was your night?" Chloe asks sweetly. "It was nice thank you" I say returning her smile. We make small talk for a while as she does her makeup and I dress up, Chloe and I are in the same classes which makes me happy, she wants to be an author just like me but I'm majoring in law, while she's majoring in English, luckily for me it's still the same classes, we really have a lot in common, this week has been like the best week of my life, I and Adrien have been hanging around together, neho and I are gradually becoming best friends, just like Chloe and I, I always feel like I can tell the both of them anything and it will be safe with them, never in my entire life have i ever felt what I feel for this people including Theodore and my dad, which reminds me he is coming back tomorrow.. I can't wait, Thank God I'm going home tomorrow also, so fun fact he also schools here at WSU no surprise there since our dad owns the school, he's the school's chancellor, it's like a dream come through, it's practically like being in heaven but with all the best people around me and me remembering them. I and Chloe usually talk about books and how she wants to be an author and Prolly make one of her books based on her if her life is worth book interest, I always laugh when she says that. I always smile at her enthusiasm, She really does want to be an author, my mom's company would really want to take her up, she's got the skills and everything my mom is always looking for in her authors. My mom is the owner of 'blacks publishing' its a world leading company practically known by anyone, she has different parts of her company for different things, hotels, bookshops, restaurants, newspapers and so on, my favorite part is the art gallery, with the world's most expensive arts and sculptures which is usually visited by popular people from around the world. She also has a train of publishers for books, magazines, newspapers and so on.. She hires people to read manuscripts of books yet to be published, if it's up to their standards and hers she helps the author publish the book and all... I could really help Chloe, she would be really happy, she's already working on a book, I can't wait for her to finish it so I can read it. "Are you ready for class?" Chloe asks after applying her eyeliner, a perfect straight line, I nod and she stands, we leave the room heading to her car.
"I'm going home tomorrow to take one of my dad's cars, I am really tired of stressing you all when it comes to picking me up and all, and also my brother is coming back home tomorrow and I want to be there to see him" I tell Chloe as she drives out of the dorms parking lot. "Awn that's sweet" she says referring to my brother, I feel she knows him but I'm not to sure, you see theo loves to date girls I'm surprised he and Tristan are still together, any way I keep quiet not wanting to over think things. "so you say you're going home to get one of your dad's car.. How many does he have" Chloe asks a little puzzled. Oh no not this question, I have been trying to dodge it, I feel they might change towards me and all if they knew about my mum and dad, to be honest the whole gang is rich, but they are not worldwide popular rich like me.. I guess I can tell Chloe, she won't blurt it out right?.. "can I tell you something.. Promise me you won't tell anyone" I half ask half plea to Chloe who looks puzzled. "um.. Ok" she says. "you can tell me anything, You know that right?" she says reassuring me. "My dad is the chancellor of WSU" I blurt out as fast as I can. Chloe's eyes widen, she turns to me forgetting she's on the road it takes her a mili second for her to recover she swiftly dodges a car she was about to hit, the driver starts yelling at her she wants to say sorry but changes her mind and gives him the middle finger. "that's nice girl" Chloe says, I relax "and my mom's the CEO of black publishing" I say that one slowly allowing the words sink into her, luckily for me she has packed the Jeep in school that way I know we don't die on the road. "what!" She shouts while I laugh "oh my God you mean barrie Travis is your fucking mom? how didn't I recognize her when she came to drop you off, I knew she looked familiar but I didn't want to over think it-oh my God! black publishing is like the best company in the world, that's the company I want to summit my book to-" she continues. Chloe is really going on about my mum, I can't help but laugh "I know that's why I want to help you handover your book to my mum to read herself" I tell her. I watch her trying to figure out the look on her face "Callie...I.. Oh my God.. Thank you so much.. I.. I.. How can I ever repay you?" she says her eyes threatening to combust at any moment. "nothing, just keep being my best friend" I tell her and she leaps for me instantly, She really is cute. I smile nonchalantly, she smiles too as I wipe her tear stained eyes away. Someone knocks on the Window at my side of the car,It's Adrien, I smile at him and whine down "sorry to break this- Whatever this is, but are you guys coming in now or later? I need coffee anyway" he says smirking. "zip it pretty face" Chloe says trying to get herself together. "I also want coffee" i say to Chloe. "OK let's go get some then class doesn't start until the next twenty minutes, wait what am I even doing here? I am never this early maybe just a few minutes late" Chloe pouts. "we all know it's the Callie effect" Adrien says getting into the back seat of the Jeep, we all laugh knowing how I like to be early even if it's to a party. We drive towards B&Bs Cafe, we get there soon enough and order our coffee and sandwiches talking in between bites. We all finally finish and we head back to class. I have only three classes today so does the gang, we all have first period together, i enter into class looking for neho, I spot him a minute later, there is an empty seat beside him which is obviously mine, we have Made it an habit to seat together. I scoot over to him, he looks up and smiles fully, I hand him over his coffee which I have been holding which he accepts gratefully. We talk for a while till class starts a few minutes later, the professor gives us the weeks assignment and teaches for the next hour and forty five minutes, the bell rings indicating the class is over, my second class goes on as usual this time with only neho, Chloe and I, My final class is P. E, I had a little difficulty choosing between basketball, the track team and yoga. I settled for track events which is relay race, long jump, shot put and so on. I change into my gym cloths and head towards the field which is not really that far, but far not the less. I continue walking for a while till I hear my name. "Callie" I turn to see Adrien jogging towards me. His hair moving side to side, In his gym cloths he looks really hot, his shorts hang on his hips in this way I can't really describe.
He is perfect.
"hey" i say when he reaches me "hey" he says breathing a little hard from jogging. "you're in this class?" he asks resting his hands on his knee as he tries to catch his breathe. "yh- I didn't know which class to pick so I just chose this one since I was in the track team since high school anyway so it's kinda my thing" I say. "nice,Well we just started jogging so come on" he says dragging my hand to where the rest of the track team are. We take five more laps along with the rest of the team before the coach tells us to stop. The coach introduces himself as Mr Christopher. What's with this school and their C's? Chloe, Callie now Christopher? Mr Chris gives us instructions for another thirty minutes we all do as we are told till finally class is over. I head over to the stadium like rows of chairs and sit down drinking the water Adrien brought for me before sitting next to me. "thanks" I say as I gulp the water down nearly finishing it before I drop the bottle. "so are you coming to the party for you new students this evening?" he asks, I'm not sure what I hear but it sounds like he is hoping I say yes.

Adrien's pov
"so are you coming to the party for you new students this evening?" I ask her, i hope she doesn't hear the desperation in my voice but somehow I want her to hear it. There is something about her that draws me to her like magnet. I hate being around people especially freshers, but since the first time I met her i liked her, you could easily refer to it as love at first sight, but hell if I knew what the hell love was, I sometimes wonder if she feels it too, I really love being around her and her smell jeez, I could instantly know when she comes into a room, what kind of perfume does she use? I tried falling over her on Wednesday just to smell her, I used the chance to smell her hair it's smelt like bubble gum and her clothes were soaked in a scented coconut perfume and this heavenly smell of fruit, definitely strawberry and vanilla.. That can't be just one perfume, she uses more than one three to be exact, I tried to find out stuff about her once, typed in her surname into my laptop not expecting anything just for luck, but something came up, her dad's the chancellor of WSU.. Her mom's the CEO of blacks publishing and I have met with both her parents a couple times in the past but never met her cause she was in a hostel in high school. My dad's the owner of the world's best gaming company and Callie's really into games, I saw her once playing one of my dads latest game red Knight, I am sure she doesn't know that, but she will find out soon enough that's if Chloe hasn't already told her. Well my dad and her mom have worked together a couple of times, I can smell they will be friends for a long time. But you know it's kinda funny in as much as I like Callie I am still dating someone else, well in my defense I was dating her before i met Callie, and I'm not even sure if I and Callie might even date, that's If she even likes me, I want to break up with her but I need to do it in a way she won't be left broken for a long time. I really do like Callie and I don't want her to find out about Cassandra. She's cool and all but since I met Callie I have wanted her and only her. There is like no way to describe my feelings for her.. Studying her features I ask her one more time "are you?" I can tell she's thinking, she turns to me "Yh I will" thank goodness, i sigh relived. "i can come pick you up for the party if that's cool?" I ask her, she smiles up at me.
Damn that smile.
I could give anything to make her smile like that everyday. "if it's not too much stress, I would appreciate it" she says. "Sure no problem- I will pick you up by eight?" I ask. She nods, we finally leave the field, she heads towards Chloe who's waiting for her with her Jeep, after she waves me goodbye, she takes her things from Chloe, Chloe looks over at me and waves at me, I wave at them both and watch them drive off before heading to my car.

A/N: please drop your comments and please vote thank you so much ♥️🔗💫

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