Chapter 10

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A/N: hey guys sorry I took literally a week to update this just that writers block finally cut up with me, and I also had cold, anyway hope you guys loved your week..
Song selection for this chapter :
Ed sheeran - supermarket flowers
Zayn- dusk till dawn
Dan+Shay, Justin Bieber - 10,000 hrs
Harry styles - lights up

Callie's pov
The week goes by just like I expected, February is always fast and to me it's the devils month- no offense, I feel it's the devils month because that's when all kinds of shit happen, like when girls get Prolly raped in the name of love, some bitches get pregnant a few months later, you steal to buy present for someone, if the person you buy for doesn't buy for you and then buys for someone else some fools would literally get depressed, kill someone or threatening someone, like what the fuck all in the name of fucking love? not that it's a bad month or 'love' is a bad thing it just disgusts me the way some people approach it, some even use it as a medium to sex and all that shit, but oh well who am I to judge?
It was just last week Adrien asked me out, and Damn I've been living the life since then. We have gone out, stayed together one night when I got drunk because of something I can vaguely remember, he's really sweet, I'm still thinking of what to get him for valentines day, I usually don't participate in things like this but I have to now I guess, I also want to get something for Chloe, neho, theo, my dad and mum as well, Valentines is in the next two days and I'm still going through my phone to get the perfect items from the nearest stores. I know what they all like I just want something yunno...perfect.

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