❤ Kaga Kusha

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«What are your thoughts on Y/N?»

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«What are your thoughts on Y/N?»

- An angel, perhaps? No, a goddess. The first time we met, her aura was magnificent. Her eyes seems to held strong emotions, the way she sway and smile, it struck a lightning within me.


A/N : forgive me but this particular route is going to be cut short.


He was like any day, hanging around his club room and experimenting. This particular day, when the rest of the club members had disperse and head to their respective home, a rather loud boom sound resonated through the hall where his club resided on.

He shakes his head, also fanning the smokes. He took off his safety glasses and rubs his eye (taking off his gloves and washing away his hands first, of course) as he slips back the safety glasses and both of his gloves.

The boy continue to tinkers on his experiment whilst a pair of footsteps were heard on the hallway, but was dead silent to him as his whole focus was on the project in front of him.

No one in the school actually knows what he's working on, u like the occult club, he was much more of a lone worker, so it's impossible to even grasp onto a small information of his project.

As teh footsteps stops in front of his door, a knock was heard by him as he turns to the door, placing down the glasses.

His hands opens the door a little, quite shock at the female who was panting heavily in front of his club room. The girl looked up, spotting the green and pink smoke behind him as her finger pointed at the scene.

"Oh, my experiment went wrong," he calmly responded as he step out of the room, walking towards the bathroom while telling the girl to wait for him. As she did, a few minutes he came back with all of his equipment off, including his lab coat.

A smile stays on his face as his now clean hand held onto one of hers, placing a kiss on the back of her hand with half open eyelids.

"Good afternoon, my goddess. What brings you here?"

"I heard an explosion! Are you alright?" She inspect his body to search for any injuries, which she couldn't find any and heave a relief sigh, her hand never leaving his own.

The boy smiles warmly as his finger placed under her chin, turning her face towards his own. "Were you worried?"

"Am I? Of course I am!" The guy's smile grew wider that it turns into a loopsided grin.

"It was so loud, I thought I was just hearing things until one of the students mention it. So I quickly ran up here and found out it was no one but you.

"I love this side of you."

"H-huh?" Baffled she was, she stared at him with wide eyes.

His fingers were now moved to her cheek, his palm placed on the side of it, as her head leaned onto his touch, warmth made him feel something inside of his stomach, butterflies swarm as his cheeks red as a rose.

"Be careful next time..." although she was quiet, he could hear it loud and clear.

He hums and nodded, leaning in to plant a chaste kiss on her forehead, as his thumb caresses her cheek.

The two stood by each other for a while, before Y/N decided to speak up. Her words seems to caught him off guard as his eyes widened.

"Kaga, I like you. A lot."

He froze as his finger stops its movement, much to Y/N's dismay. The girl turns upward, awaiting for his response. He stood up, stunned as he couldn't believe a single word that came out of her own mouth. It felt surreal.

His mouth hung open, but closed once again as he watches her expression from hopeful to a slight frown. She pulls away, ready to take her leave as she apologize, but once she had turned around, he grabs a hold of her wrist and pulls her close to him, her back hitting his chest.

In surprised, she felt her head turned as a pair of lips crashes on to hers. It was passionate and a little sloppy, due to their inexperience, but it didn't stop them.

Her tensed body relaxed as her eyes began to close themselves with her free hand cupping to his cheek.

The sun began to set as the color of orange enters and kissed the form of the new couple, who was still sharing a blissful kiss to one another.

As they pull themselves apart, the two stare at each other's eyes, smiling at the sight of their new significant other.

"I don't just like you, love. I am fond of you. Enamoured," Kaga took a hold of her hand once again and pressed a kiss on the back of it, his eyes never leaving hers.

"I am in love with you."


Time passes by quickly before they knew. As Kaga would continue to conjure up any experiment his hands could get to, his beloved wife would be there to support him as always.

In exchange, he would invent small mechanism that could help the daily basis of her wife's work with chores or even help her relax.

By the time he was back from the garage of their shared home, he turns to see her sleeping on the couch, the mini robot she likes to call "Wall-E" turns his robotic head and made a chirpy noise, happy to see his creator back.

The man walks up to his wife, caressing her hair as he tuck a strand of it behind her ear, smiling at her peaceful form.

The robot grasp onto his sleeve, pointing at the mug at the top of the counter. He walks up to it and saw a sticky note next to the beverage which consist of chocolate and marshmallow.

As the mug was still warm (which indicates that it had oy a few minutes since whoever made it for him), he read the note and smile to himself.

Dear love,

Have a hot choco, yeah? I won't be telling you this or even bringing it down to you mostly because I'm quite tired. Wake me up if you need anything

<3 your wife

End of Kaga Kusha's route

You guys must have read the A/N before the start of the chapter, yeah?

Look, this route could have taken a longer toll over anything if possible, but then again, I had zero clue about Kaga Kusha's literal back story.

And the first time I made this book was also because I was in two fandoms at the time, Danganronpa and Yandere Simulator, and seeing Kaga reminded me of Nagito Komaeda, I felt like I had to put him here. (Yes, I like the hope white cloud hair guy with a little cuckoo personality).

That's a first, second, I had zero idea as well how his personality goes, so I thought he would have the vibe of Gundham Tanaka, but a little less Shakespearean(?) You get the point.


We have 3 routes left, Taeko, Nemesis, and yours beloved Ayato.

Those three might took up some time and I want to finish this book ASAP because I'm writing other fanfictions alongside the school homeworks, test and my High School year that is about to end by next year (I'm going to college soon :D)

Also, here's the news, I've made a Dipper Pines x reader book and had already written it out and just need to publish it soon. But that soon, is probably not around this month (or maybe it is, but who knows).

Anywho, that's all~

Enjoy :D

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