Broken Glasses

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Thank you for choosing to give my story a chance. Some of you may know me from my previous work as this book is a product of my most well-known work, TGGBB. Some of you are first time new readers and I welcome you all the same. If you happen to enjoy this story, I recommend you give the story a read especially since it has a lot more scenes of these colorful characters.

There will be many similarities to this story with TGGBB but just as many changes as well. I'm very excited writing this story again - and I know fully well how surprising that may seem - because I know these characters after writing two books about them and I know where I truly want how I want this story to go.

Some of you may be confused as to why I'm writing BG in the first place. I don't plan to put TGGBB under the paid program because it's a book that spreads bullying awareness and should be accessible to everyone. However, I still want to publish a physical book through Wattpad so I made BG. If I simply rewrote TGGBB as its separate book and made it paid, Wattpad would make me take it down since they don't allow several versions of the same book, so I needed to make a completely different book to not count as a new version.

Broken Glasses will be a bit more mature than TGGBB but will still have its humor and colorful characters. When you read BG, it'll be like you're reading TGGBB for the first time. I wrote TGGBB when I was 13 and now that I'm 20 I want to write and publish a book with my current writing ability. My main goal for BG is that you will be learning a lot more about social justice and other important topics: racism, sexism, different kinds of abuse, mental health, colorism, and much more especially since this book will be culturally diverse. 

BG will have about the same characters as TGGBB but their backgrounds will be more thorough as well as having clear ethnicities. BG will also have a completely different plot from TGGBB. Think of BG being in an alternative dimension and anything that happens in BG will not affect TGGBB and vise versa. However, I will still make references to TGGBB because I'm that kind of person and writer and I'm clever like that haha.

This story will be another contribution to the library of books about bullying. However, unlike many of these books that strive to show you the harsh reality of how cruel people can be, this story doesn't want to make you feel depressed and angry after each chapter. Instead, it will hold out a hand to you to lift you back on your feet to show you how to smile, laugh, and love.

I also want to establish that I myself was a victim of bullying which repercussions still affect me to this day. Some of you may have been victims yourselves, regardless of how big or small they were, and I want you to know that you can get through it just as I had. For those who never had to experience it, I'm grateful that you didn't and I hope you learn a lot from this story.

I began writing because I wanted to write a story I would read. I'm thankful that so many people enjoyed reading a story that made them laugh as it gave them a powerful message. This story will delve into many aspects of bullying beyond the typical scene of stealing a kid's lunch money or gossiping about someone behind their back when you knew full well it isn't true.

Thank you again for giving my story a chance and I hope you enjoy reading "Broken Glasses".



Warning: Rereaders (RR) will NOT be tolerated for spoiling the story for First Time Reader's (FTR). Broken Glasses is a stand-alone book. I will withhold updating if I see any. Please call out any rereaders if you see the #RR and a spoiler as well as warn FTRs for them. Also, don't make fake spoilers- They aren't funny when commented in the book. Please tell me on my message board for any extreme spoilers by saying the chapter and quote.

If you want to comment a spoiler, first comment spoiler then submit that comment THEN reply to that comment with your spoiler. In short, create a comment thread to safeguard FTR when they go through the comment section. Thank you!

Also, respect each others ships. If you're reading a scene between two characters and you don't want them to be together, don't ruin the experience for other readers by disrespectfully voicing out that it isn't your ship and that you don't like it. Just don't comment and continue reading on.

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