Chapter Seven: You Book Murderer!

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"Your hand in mine. The great divide. A stitch in time. Then we recombine.

The way it was. Well, dust to dust. Has led us here to collide."

[Song: "The Great Divide" - The Shins]


Operation I Completely Forgot the Name of It is still going on. Bennett learned the hard way that Naomi can be pretty passive-aggressive after he turned in his own research paper without telling her leading her to be scolded by a teacher. Naomi decided to check out the book The Three Musketeers from the school's library because Bennett had betrayed her and she's petty like that.

We have the off-brand Heathers: Rachel Lane, Alyssa Li, and Trisha Lewis with their eyes set on the transfers. However, so does Carmen.

Before they came up with the operation, Raymond and Declan had a little of a disagreement in the nurse's office when Declan stopped Naomi from giving Raymond the homework she did for him. Declan seems to have made a lot of enemies seeing that he won a fight in the parking lot afterschool between the captain of the soccer team, Marco, and one of the soccer players, Aiden, I mean, Adrian.


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I know you guys want to make comments based on TGGBB and I want to read them. But I want to also look out for first-time readers who never read TGGBB. Be sure to look out for each other. I love how you guys warn spoilers. Be safe and kind to yourself and each other.

Trigger Warning: Depictions of verbal and physical bullying, one scene being specific to race. Two counts of sexual harassment. One graphic fight scene with blood.


Operation Losing My Faith Humanity is going great.

Declan turned my backpack upside down, having all of my stuff fall out. A few guys from his basketball team laughed behind him as he gave me an apologetic look.

I'm having the time of my life with Operation I Hate This Operation.

Taking the opportunity when the teacher stepped out of the classroom, I had to rip up an old report in front of the entire class after Bennett told me that it was already a waste of paper.

Nothing could possibly go wrong with Operation Why Are We Doing This Again?

Setting down the stack of textbooks I was carrying for him, I was forced to tie Jordan's unlaced sneaker before being kicked away with the same shoe.

We only did enough, the bare minimum to keep the facade going. Every time we were next to each other without evidence of bullying, every time we laughed together, every time we smiled together, every time we stood together- we needed this to happen to rebalance it. To remind the school that we aren't friends.

Even though that was supposed to be the case from the montage, it still doesn't make the next scene any easier to deal with.

"Are you done bullying yet?" Alyssa asked with a sigh as she wrapped her arms around Jordan's arm. "I wanted to see your artwork, Jordan. Maybe you can even paint me like one of your French girls."

"I know you guys want to be the only one's bullying her, but isn't it a little bit unfair that you're the only ones having fun?" Trisha said with a huff. "You can always make it up to me later, Lynch," she pressed.

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