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When I wake up, I look around myself shocked. I'm laying down on a white hospital bed, with white sheets wrapped around me. There's an IV attached to my arm, which alarms me. I look around to see that I'm surrounded by bland, gray walls. The floors are made out of a white material. There are a few blue chairs around my hospital bed, but no one there. I see a machine with my heart rate tracked on it. There are a few light blue cabinets in the corner of the room.

I decide to check them out, my curiosity getting the best of me. I am careful not to move around too much, causing me extreme discomfort.

I eventually limp over to the cabinet, and pull it open with my left hand. This cabinet is stuffed to the brim with all kinds of medicine. There are pills, shots, and creams. One shot in particular catches my eye. It's labeled amnesia. I get a sick feeling looking at it, so I look away. Amnesia, why would that be in one of the cabinets in my room? I feel even more nauseous when I see multiple shot punctures jabbed into my arm. I assure myself that my imagination is getting the best of me, and that I wasn't shot with those. They just must've ran out of space to store this stuff. I continue looking through the medicine cabinet, looking for any possible pain killers.

Another label catches my eye. The words deep sleep were printed on this bottle of pills. I know that these pills can last for days, to years. I shiver at the thought for being asleep that long. I wasn't asleep that long, right?

What was I doing last night?

I gasp as reality hits me, like a rock. I went to escape with Togami last night, didn't I? My eyes widen at the thought of last night. Where's Togami? I only have a broken arm, but what could've happened to Togami could be much worse. I start to panic at the thought of this. He can't possibly be dead, right? My breathing starts to get faster, as I start panicking more. I have to go out and find him.

I rush over to the large door in the room. I reach out to grab the handle, but get interrupted by the door opening slowly. I see a nurse, who had whitish gray hair. She had a purple mask slapped over her face, and purple eyes.

"Sir..." She speaks slowly. I believe that she can sense my panic, but I couldn't care less. "Where is he?" I demand. Her eyes widen a bit. "Who sir?" She asks me softly, trying to be soothing. My breaths continue to get more ragged as I push my way past her.

My eyes widen as I see a whole hospital hallway appear. It might take a while to get out of here. I dash into the hallway and run down the hall, almost tripping. "Sir!" The nurse yells out, trying to catch up with me. "Come back!" She commands me. There's no use in reasoning with me. Once I know that Togami is alright I'll be fine.

She keeps chasing me, but I just keep running. There's endless hallways, all with a bland gray carpet, and white walls. There are some old copies of painting hung up on the walls, to distract you from the overall boringness of this place. It's probably supposed to be boring though, since this is a hospital. I stop a bit to catch my breath.

I glance upwards, and notice that a mirror is hung up on the wall. I look at my reflection, surprised. There are dark eye bags and my hair is matted. I am wearing a light blue hospital gown, that makes me stand out. I'm bound to get stopped by someone eventually. Maybe that person could help me find Togami though. I shake my head and begin to run off again.

I finally reach the first floor, panting. That's when I see someone opening the hospital door. It's my parents. They have a very strict look on their faces. "Ah Makoto, I see they've already sent you down here." My mother says kindly, her eyes saying different. It's no use finding Togami now. Since my parents are here maybe I can ask them though.

I try to remain calm as we walk out of the hospital. I still have no idea where Togami is, and it's really scaring me. I try to take deep breaths, and calm down.

We eventually reach the car, and my father opens the back car door open for me, giving me a not so friendly look. I get into the car, trying not to be terrified of my father's glare. They know I tried to escape, I realize. I'm in for it when I get home...

My father closes the door loudly, making me jump. He doesn't seem to notice though. "Father, where is Togami?" I ask him, trying to keep my voice steady. "Ah, I suppose you've heard of the wedding." He says casually. What wedding? It couldn't be Togami's wedding. If it was then who was he getting married to. I haven't agreed to get married to him. (Though I would happily accept)

"No." I inform my father. "Togami is scheduled to get married to Ms. Fukawa." My father announces, making my heart drop. "W-what?" I ask him, my voice trembling. What is my father talking about? I just stare out the window, trembling with shock. No, this can't be happening. Why is this happening? Togami left me for that bitch? I know that wasn't the nicest thing to say, but I'm mad. No, I'm furious. What the hell does he think he's doing. I'm so mad, I didn't even notice I was shaking.

I haven't updated in forever because school started back and I've been trying to get my drafts in order because they're a HOT mess. So I hope I'm posting this shit in the correct order. :))

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