Season 3 Episode 52: Have We Met?

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Fade in to Future Church watching Donut, Tex and Tucker before they go in the teleporter to Sidewinder

Sheila: Good luck everyone, take care. I packed you all lunches for the trip.

Tucker: Thanks Sheila, that was really nice of you.

Donut: Not really. All my bag had was an air filter and a thermos full of brake fluid.

Sheila: Make sure to wash your exhaust pipes every day.

Tex runs through the teleporter, then Donut

Tucker: Bye Sheila, we'll come back for you soon.

Sheila: I'll be waiting.

Future Church runs across the Blue Base to Sheila

Sheila: Church! I thought you left with Grif. Back already?

Future Church: I hate to tell you this Sheila, but none of us are comin' back. Is there any way I can take you with me? Maybe transfer your program in to a disk or something like that?

Sheila: No sorry, but I'm hardwired in to this equipment. That's what happens when you're built by the lowest bidder.

Future Church: Yeah, tell me about it. There's just one more thing you can do for me before I say goodbye. It's the last thing I can do to hopefully set all this stuff right.

Sheila: What is it?

Future Church: Okay, here's what I need you to do. (whispers) I need you to get out there, and I need you to wait off a real fricking wait,

Sheila: Alright.

Future Church: and give it a thousand years or something like that, and then send a call.

Sheila: You got it.

Future Church: Thanks Sheila. And uh, sorry that I blamed you for killing me all this time.

Sheila: That's okay, I'm sorry I enjoyed blowing you up so much.

Future Church: Yeah I'm not sure it was necessary to tell me that. Anyway, I guess this is goodbye Sheila.

Sheila: Wait!

Future Church: What?

Sheila: Tell Ghost I love him.

Future Church: Um, OK.

Future Church runs through the teleporter

Sheila: Maybe I should shut down now, and save a little power.

Sheila power down, and the camera does a step by step pan back in a blatant attempt to signify the end of our time in Blood Gulch

Cut to Wyoming outside Past Church and Grif's cell

Wyoming: Ah yes, dear Tex. After I take care of your little friend Tucker, I'll be taking care of her as well. And what was this about Ghost?

Past Church:    Nothing! And when I get outta here-

Wyoming: But you won't! Everyone here is dead now, noone even knows where you are. So I suppose now you'll just have to starve to death. Hu huh, cheerio! (runs off)

Cut to Future Church at the cell's control console, with a sign saying "Note: Please don't release prisoners - Thanks, Mgt"

Future Church: Man, there is no way Grif can disarm that bomb. I better let him out of there and then go find Tex. She can shut it off.

Cut back to Past Church and Grif

Grif: You should try showering in Cell Block C. Those guys are animals.

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