Season 4 Episode 63: The Hard Stop

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Fade in to the building the Blues are in

Tucker: Church! Chuu-urch, hey Church!

Church: I'm right behind you dumbass.

Tucker: Oh. Hey Church, do you have a knife?

Church: No. That's a weapon dude, ask Tex or Ghost.

Tucker: She said they had something to take care of. I think they're having a private conversation.

Cuts to Ghost and Tex 10 minutes earlier

Ghost and Tex were walking down the hallway inside the fortress

Ghost: So we're alone now, mind telling me why you said I'm yours and why you've been whispering a lot... also what the fuck is this about a shrine!

Tex: Don't worry about any of that.

Ghost: I will worry because something is wrong. what haven't you been telling me Tex!

Tex: Ghost it, it's nothing...

Ghost: Tex, not too long ago you stuttered for the first time, ever, you have never stuttered in your life, tell me what's wrong.

Tex: No.

Ghost: And why won't you tell me?

Tex: because...

Ghost: Tex, I know who you are, I know what you are, I know who you were made to be, but I will never hate you not until the day I die... hell, it's worth the reasons I helped you in the past.

Tex: you, you won't!?

Ghost: Of course... remember Carolina.

Tex: I can't forget her.

Ghost: Yeah, you know how we were dating.

Tex: of course I do...

Ghost: I know it's probably not the best comparison right now, but that's why I'm saying. When you care about someone, you do whatever you can for that person... Even if they don't approve of it... Why do you think I put my life on the line for you, and all the others?

Tex: ...

Ghost: honestly, I don't give a shit about the reason why you were created. I don't care if you are the A.I. version of Carolina's mother. I love the both of you with all my heart. Hell, I loved the others too... South, Connie. So no I won't leave you, I won't leave anyone and I don't care if somethings up, I don't care if somethings wrong, I will always be there for you... all of you.

Tex: you, you love me...

Ghost: Of course I do, you may be an A.I., But you're your own person. You're not the same person that you were made after, you never will be. It's impossible to be an exact copy of someone because they will always turn out different. You may be an A.I., But none of that matters.

After Ghost finished that sentence Tex hugs Ghost not wanting to let go

Tex: I'm sorry about Carolina... that day.

Ghost: That's not your fault.

Tex: but-

Ghost: Tex, it's not your fault. It was Maine's And I won't stop until he's dead.

Tex: ... Don't leave me, please.

Ghost: I won't... You know I would take off your helmet and kiss you but...

Tex: I know, you would be kissing a robot.

Ghost: With you "soul".

Tex: Ha ha yeah.

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