14 - Sight

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Somethin' falls to the ground and I open my eyes, blinkin’, and watch as blood begins to pool on the floor beneath my outstretched arm.

Then I realise it ain't blood, but wine from the glass I must've knocked over.

The room is lit from what must be mornin’ light spillin' in the windows. I sit up and loom around but the woman is gone.


I get up and move up the stairs, my body achin’ and hurtin' with every step. I’m all cramped up and I half stumble as I go, clencin’ at the pain. I get to the bedroom and look in the open door. I sigh in relief as I see him layin' there sound asleep.

I'm still feelin' all tense and I walk past another door, pushin’ it open gently to peer inside. I see the woman in there, she's also asleep on the bed. She looks deep in sleep so I pull the door closed quietly and move downstairs.

There's a heaviness that comes down with me and follows me as I move along to the kitchen.

My stomach rumbles and my mouth feels like it's been dipped in sand. My tongue is all cracked and hard and I'm dyin' for a drink. I grab a fancy lookin' glass from a cupboard and turn on the sink faucet. Water pours out, clear, and I gulp down a glass then another. Then I drink again, till I'm standin' there pantin', feelin' the water settlin' in me.

I look outside to the fields and see the solar panels glintin’ in the mornin’ light.

I notice a potted plant nearby on the counter, the flowers within almost all shriveled up and dried out. I fill the glass again and pour it on the plant, watch the water spill out the little saucer at the base. Small flecks of dust float on its curved edge and I grab a cloth and wipe it up.

I move over to the fridge, excited as a little kid, and as I open the door I feel cool air spill out. I see a carton of OJ and I grab it, openin’ the lid and takin’ a massive swig till it spills down my chin. It tastes incredible, like the best juice I ever had in my whole life. Even better than the first treats tasted when my sentence was done. That was years and this has just been… maybe a week or so – but it feels so much ... stronger.

The fridge is loaded up with food, not like the one at my place! I find a packet of bacon and there's some eggs too and it feels like I've won the lottery. I take 'em out and move through the kitchen, openin' up drawers to grab a fry pan and cookin' gear. It feels a little weird, helpin' myself to someone else’s stuff.

I start cookin' and soon the smell of food spreads through the kitchen. My stomach is growlin' and roarin' and I hope that Késhaun wakes up to this smell. It'll be our first cooked meal since ... well, since I found him. I can imagine a big smile right across his face, or, at least, I can hope for one. Kid don't seem really like the smilin' type.

As for ... Priya, well, I make enough food to cover us all. I've been thinkin' we need to get away from her. I suddenly wish I'd skipped the breakfast and just woken Késhaun so we could get away. She's out cold and we mighta made it a long distance by the time she rises. Well, too late now.

The eggs are poppin' and the bacon sizzles. I rummage through a cupboard and find half a loaf of bread. It's a bit stale but it'll do. I pop four slices in the toaster then take two out and put 'em aside.

And then my breakfast is ready. I put some aside to cool for the others and sit at the table as I take a bite. I can't even tell you how good it tastes. I slurp up the whole thin’ in the blink of an eye and then sit back. Then I jump up, seein' the kettle on the counter.

"Paradise City," I mutter aloud, rememberin’ all the silly jokes she used to say.

I find some instant coffee and boil up a cup then take it to the livin’ room. I walk around, lookin' at pictures and paintins' on the wall. Then I come to a mantelpiece and find a photo. It's the people who live here, a nice-to-do lookin' family of four. There's a handsome lookin' man with his beautiful wife, of course, and their perfect lookin' son. They all got blond hair, happy faces and big smiles.

I feel guilty, sittin' here in their house and eatin' their food. I wonder how the lady knows them, and if the man's name really is Ryan? The boy is no doubt Jamie.

Did they escape? And where did they go? Seems to me a place like this is just about the safest place to be in all this craziness, at least till things get sorted out. I reach out and touch the photo.

A coolness fills the room, like the house sighin'. My skin all tingles up and then I taste it.

I look outside and see somethin' movin'.

A cat darts a few feet, then pauses and looks back. Then it scampers off as quick as it can.

There, by a big, old oak tree with a rope swing hung from it.

She's standin' there, glitterin' in the light. My heart thuds and I'm frozen. She's starin' right at me and I'm lookin' right back at her.

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