22 - Power

745 66 2

Everythin' happens in an instant.

Caleb moves across the room, hand outstretched, a stubby lookin' knife held aloft in his left hand, the handgun in is right.

Then there's a pulse. I feel the hair on my arms rise and a warmth buildin'. A brightness spills out to the walls and seems to seep outwards into the night.

Késhaun stands beside me, his arms outstretched. A flickerin' chain radiates from each of his hands across the room to Micah who buckles and screams in agony as he's lifted up off the floor. The brightness comin' from Késhaun grows stronger and the heat feels like the midday sun and I can't help but shut my eyes.

Then there's a screechin' noise and I watch as Micah gags and heaves, spittin' up somethin' black and smoky. The tendrils swirl up again as the Aliveagainer swirls around, unbundlin' like string. The brightness tugs and tears at it.

Caleb stands back and stares up in awe, just like I do as Késhaun pulls his arms back and sucks the Aliveagainer right out of Micah. The ghost spins and turns, held aloft by the pulsin' light. It hisses and spits, its eyes burnin' with rage. It swirls around, smoke and light flailin' around, and then it falls in on itself. There's a rush of whispers that flood around the room, echoin' after it's gone.

Then there's silence.

I hear a crash, lookin' at Késhaun as he sits on his hands 'n' knees. I rush to him and grab him, his whole body quiverin' and shakin'.

Caleb strides over to Micah and pulls his hair and head back, pointin' the knife to his throat.

"What's your name!?"

Micah's eyes are half-rolled back and his tongue hangs out but he blinks and speaks in a slur "M... M-M-Miiiika!"

Caleb glares at him, then lets him go, turnin' and facin' me.

"What the hell was that!?" he shouts as I shake my head at him.

I turn back to Késhaun who falls into my arms and curls up on me. I can feel him tremblin' and his skin is hot and burnin' like a fever.

Caleb moves to the window and stares outside.

"Hopefully that little light show ain't gonna summon a whole bunch more." He spits, then he comes back over, right up to me and Késhaun. He reaches out to touch him but I pull the boy back, nursin' him up close.

"Leave him alone!" I say.

"Shut up," he tells me, then reaches out and puts his hand on Késhaun's shoulder.

"Hey, boy, hey. Hey Shaun."

The boy half opens his eyes, lookin' at him.

"How'd you do that? Tell me."

Késhaun tries to speak but just mumbles and then closes his eyes. His skin feels hot to touch.

"Leave him be! He's burnin' up, he needs to rest."

I move over to the corner and lay him out on the ground then turn around. Jamie comes up to me with a coat and lays it out.

"Thanks," I say and lay it on top of Késhaun then move over to Caleb. I tap Jamie on the hand and he comes with me.

"I'm not sure what the hell I just saw but that boy just did somethin' pretty incredible."

I look over to Micah who sits on the floor at the door where he fell. He's starin' at us with a glazed look. I move on closer to him.

"Hey," I say gently, kneelin' down.

Micah looks up at me. His eyes are ringed and dark, his skin pale.

"Do you ... remember anythin'?" I ask.

Micah looks at me then over to Caleb. Then he talks in a low voice.

"Yeah I remember, I remember something. Something far away. I was in a car, we were drivin' somewhere, a big city, huge highway. Then I saw a car ahead of us flip up and over, then we slammed into it. Then ... then I was back here."

Caleb breathes out deeply, lookin' around the room. He's openin' up the cupboards and drawers, searchin' about.

"Kayla, you always were one to hang out with the freaks and weirdos. I don't know what to make of this but right now let's just shut up and stay put."

I look over as Micah just ups and lies down, curls his legs up and shuts his eyes. In a second I can see he's gone and fallen asleep.

"Jackpot," says Caleb and I look over to see him lift a bottle of malt liquor up. It's half full but he pops the lid and takes a swig. He finds a chair and sits down, takes another big swig. My lips wet up and I almost ask him for a drink but I'm so tired and the look on his face don't seem like he's in the mood for sharin'.

I hear Jamie yawn and that sets me off too, I stretch my arms up and high. All of a sudden I'm feelin' so weak and cold and I realise it must be some crazy hour of the mornin' by now. So I half walk and half crawl over to Késhaun and move back beside him. I lay down, lookin' back to the almost dark room, watchin' at Caleb as he sits in a chair, feet up on the windowsill lookin' out at the snow with the gun on his lap.

Késhaun's breathin's a little less rapid but he's still feelin' hot. I wipe at his brow then lie down beside him and I start hummin' real quiet.

I hum a song she used to sing to me and I feel his breath risin' and fallin'.

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