21 - Refuge

871 61 4

The sky ahead of us swirls and glows, like some angry demon towerin' up high, glarin' down with hate. Orange and red glows in the thick fog and cloud and the snowflakes catch the light fallin' like sparks and ashes.

The angry light broils up in the sky which otherwise is all dark and gloomy. Any last bit of daylight could have gone hours ago. I suddenly feel stupid, wishin' for some dumb reason that I'd watched the sunlight fade away,seen the day end. I feel like I lost it.

"We can't get too close to that," said Caleb. "Jamie, you got any other ways of getting to that lake?"

"We need a turn up ahead, maybe a few more miles. But we might be able to go down one of the side roads we came down-but it'll be messy in the snow."

"Ok, slow down-stop the car. And wait a sec."

Jamie slows down, takin' it easy, but the car skids a little on the snow and ice. He comes to a pause but keeps the engine runnin'. Caleb opens his door and walks out into the snow, rifle held high and pointed back the way we came.

"We'll go back," he says and then comes around to my side.

"Get out-get in back."

I think of the Aliveagainer I saw, and of the soldier he just killed. I get out and shiver in the cold, movin' around the car to the back. We both get in.

"Are you sure we should?" I ask. "Those things are back there."

"Kayla, I ain't asking you, I'm telling you. Now go. Drive!" he barks.

Jamie nods and turns the car around. We start drivin'.

"Hey kid, you know this lady?" asks Caleb.

Késhaun nervously looks around then speaks up. "Yeah, she's Kayla. She's my friend."

Caleb looks at me then turns back ahead. "Move fast. We don't want to stay on this road long. It'll be a left, yeah?"

"It'll be a left, yeah a left. Just a bit ahead-look, there," says Jamie.

He slows the car and we look through the blowin' snow.

"God damn this stupid snow!" snaps Caleb.

Just off to the side is a gap in the trees and a road leadin' deep into the woods. The trees seem to frame the gap and I can't shake the thought of somethin' starin' back as we stare in.

"Ok, let's go."

Jamie moves the car off the shoulder and we skid a little through the snow that's piled up. We get to the path and it's bumpy and rough but as we pass under the trees themselves the road clears up a little. The thick branches have caught a lot of the snow so the road ain't half bad.

"Come on, let's get going," Caleb urges.

We drive a little, then Micah starts shufflin' round with a backpack, leanin' his weapon up against Késhaun's legs. I can't quite see but can hear him liftin' somethin' heavy out of it.

"What do you think?" asks Caleb.

"Radio, pretty similar to what I was trained on."

He pulls out a black handset and draws it up to his head, tappin' some buttons just inside the lip of his pack.


"Just a lot of noise. These woods ... the storm. We won't get anything in here."

Caleb nods and stares ahead.

"You want to get in touch with someone, Caleb?"

"Always good to know what's happening, Kayla. We just want to listen in. Don't have to join the party just yet. You know? Not good to be totally in the dark, even if you are out in the dark. Ha!"

The car lurches as we skid and move over a bump, the frame scrapin' close to the ground as Jamie turns the wheel to move us.

"So what is this again? Campground? Are there buildings?"

"Yeah," says Jamie, starin' ahead. It's pitch black outside the beams cast by the headlights. "It's a public campground."

"Is it open?" asks Caleb.

"Yes, it still is."

They stay quiet, but I know they're thinkin' the same thing as me. If the campground is open and people is up there, we could be in for some trouble.

I look over to Micah. He's starin' out the side window, holdin' his weapon once more. I want to reach out ad grab Késhaun's hand, hold it close in mine. He squeezes back.

"Ok, not far," says Jamie.

In time we pass a little sign that reads "Lake Clair Recreation Reserve" and a couple of them campsite symbols.

"Turn off the lights," says Caleb.

"But we won't be able to drive."

"Just do it."

Jamie does so, and I blink. I can't see nothin', just lights flickerin' and dancin' where there used to be sight. And then those swirl and dance into snow and I can just barely see ahead, the slightest glow of night around us. Jamie pulls the car to a stop.

"Ok, we're going to have to move from here on foot. Come on, get out," he grunts.

I open the door and step out.

I pull my jacket out, flinchin' a little as I bump my arm. It's freezin' out here, terribly cold and I reach for Késhaun. He comes round and stands close by me as Jamie kills the engine. Caleb flicks on a small flashlight, keepin' it half shielded and pointed low. We follow him along the pathway and then up ahead we see a clearin'. Our eyes are adjustin' and I can just about see the shape of a buildin' in the middle, a long, low house, maybe a big cabin?

We get closer and I see it's probably the club house or office for the park. Caleb moves up the stairs, then turns off his light and we stand there shiverin' in the cold. He looks in a window, holdin' his face right up close.

Then he reaches down and tries the door. It's open, and he pushes it inside, pointin' his weapon in. He kicks the door open slowly, sweepin', then he flicks on the light.

"All right, come on!"

We trudge through the snow and make our way inside. It's dark, except for the light that Caleb flicks around, lightin' up dark corners. I'm feelin' afraid, thinkin' with each one we'll see some face come outta the darkness, but it seems clear. He tries the light switch but it doesn't do anythin' so I start reachin' around and feel a desk near me. I open the drawers and rifle through the papers and stuff inside and then I hear Késhaun speak up.

"I found a light," he says and Caleb turns the torch toward him. Sure enough, the kid's got an ol' camp style lantern. He flicks a switch and it turns right on.

"Turn that off, dammit!" barks Caleb and Késhaun drops the light. It rolls under a table, castin' strange shadows all around us that make Caleb and Micah crouch, pointin' their guns round. Micah reaches out and grabs the light, turns it way down. I hear Caleb mutterin' under his breath as he looks around.

It's dim but it's fine. I shiver a little. The cabin ain't warm by any means but it's better than outside.

I smile and put my hand on Késhaun's shoulder then I look back.

There it is, standin' the doorway, right behind Micah.

"Look out!" I shriek and everyone turns.

Micah looks up in shock as the Aliveagainer flares up, spreadin' black tendrils around the room. He cries out and raises his weapon but the thing just flies right into him. I see it encircle and wrap around him and watch as it moves up his open mouth. Micah's scream turns to a growl and then stops and he shudders and nearly falls, just catchin' himself on the door.

He looks up-and a gunshot explodes.

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