~Regrets and Guilt~

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'And we created you in pairs'

It's like 5 am in the morning and I'm writing this:) please tell me I'm not the only who's routine is messed up during this qurantine

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It's like 5 am in the morning and I'm writing this:) please tell me I'm not the only who's routine is messed up during this qurantine.

A huge thanks to _panther for voting and supporting my story. Thank you so much for your support, it means alot. Also ya all should check out her stories<3

Inaya's POV:
"Inaya, I'm so sorry. I never wanted to leave you like that. If you can please understand my circumstances-" he said taking a step forward forward but was stopped when Zayaan placed a hand infront of him, preventing him from moving any further. I placed a reassuring hand on Zayaan's hand and he reluctantly moved his hand away.

I had never seen Zayaan act this way. So possessive. "Can we come inside?" I looked behind him and he gave us space to enter. I decided to talk about this later but right now I just wanted to meet my family. I found all of them in the lounge and I immediately engulfed them in a hug. Tears came out of my eyes as i hugged everyone one by one. "I missed you." I whispered to my sister and she sniffed. "Me too."

I pulled back and after all the pleasantries finally noticed the thick atmosphere in the lounge. Ahsan and his mother stood at a corner, while my Abbu's eyes were filled with anger and Zayaan, well Zayaan looked like he was ready to murder Ahsan on the spot. "How long has he been here?" I whispered to my sister. "He came 10 minutes ago and Abbu almost killed him." She replied and I nodded.

"Why are you here now?" I asked breaking the tense silence. "I came to apologise." He muttered as he stared at me with a guilty expression. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" He spoke out and at this Zayaan immediately replied. "No."

"I was asking Inaya." Ahsan gritted out. I shifted nervously on my spot as all the eyes turned towards me. No matter what, I still wanted to know why he did what he did. And this was my chance. "Fine, 5 minutes." I stated. "Inaya-" my mother tried but I gave her a reassuring look. 'It's alright.' I mouthed her and she nodded.

Ahsan gave Zayaan a victorious smile and I could feel Zayaan's glare at the back of my head but I ignored it. I followed him to the lawn where we sat down across from each other. "Why now Ahsan?" I got straight to the point.

"I didn't want to hurt you Inaya, I swear it was never my intention. I loved you and I-"

"Well guess what? You did and it cannot be erased. I'm now married to someone else and I'm really happy." I croaked out trying to hold back the tears. "Are you sure you're happy Inaya?" He asked as he stared at me intently. "Why does it matter to you? Huh? What we had, is all finished. I waited for you Ahsan, I wanted to be with you. But you destroyed it." I glared at him, with hurt and anger in my eyes.

"I know." He stared at the ground ashamed. "And I'm sorry for it." He apologized and I sighed. Sometimes it was better to let go rather than holding on and that's what I did. At that moment, I wanted to be at peace. "I forgive you, but I don't want to see you ever again." I whispered. He looked at me surprised then nodded his head.

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