~Trust and Flashbacks~

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Hey ya all!
Double update alert! So I'll probably be doing a double alert today, hopefully. Also we have almost 1k reads and I'm pretty excited.

But anyways, also a huge thanks to Afroja1810 and ArtisticZenith for supporting my book, I appreciate it alot:)

Be sure to vote and comment if you're enjoying this story. And now let's move on to the chapter.

Inaya's POV:
"Why do you look like you've seen a ghost?" Afet called out as she placed a tray filled with food in front of me. I no longer felt hungry, and my hands were itching to call Zayaan. I silently showed the article to Afet, who stared at it with wide eyes. "Did he -"

Before she could continue further, I stopped her. "No, I trust him. I know there would be an explanation behind this." I pointed towards the article, and she nodded.

"Yeah, you're right." She nodded, and I gave her a small smile.

"You can ask him about it later, but come on, right now, the food is getting cold."

I started eating slowly with my thoughts stuck on the picture. I shook my head as I tried to focus, but it was useless. Once we were done with the food, i stood up. "Don't you want to roam around?"

I shook my head. "No, I think I want to go back." I pleaded, and she nodded in understanding.

"Don't worry, everything will be alright."

"Thanks, Afet. I don't know what I would have done without you." I smiled warmly at her. "Probably bawled your eyes out." She smirked, and I chuckled.

"Let's go."

Half an hour later, I was back, and I immediately collapsed onto the bed. It was only 8 pm, so i knew Zayaan would still be busy. After changing, I made my way to the lounge and dialled Dania's number. It had been so long since we had talked and I was missing her lately.

"I was just about to call you." Dania's frantic voice reached my ears, and I chuckled. "Assalamualikum to you too."

I heard her laughing before she greeted me, and I replied with a Walaikum salam. "So tell me, what was so important that you finally thought of calling me?" I teased, and I felt her taking a deep breath. "I read the article." She muttered, and I felt myself freezing. Surely, she wasn't talking about THAT article.

"Which article?" I asked just to make sure.

"The one regarding Zayaan bhai."

I took a sharp breath as I massaged my head. "I- it's just an article, Dania. You know how rumours are. We can't just keep on believing in everything."

I could feel her nodding on the other side. "You're right. Did you talk to him?" She asked, and I shook my head, then remembered she couldn't see me. "No, he's usually busy at this time. I'll talk to him at night."

"Anyways, I have some good news." I could feel her excitement through the phone, and so I knew it was something big. I straightened up as I listened eagerly.

"I'm getting married."

"WHAT?" I screamed out, and I could hear her laughing. "What, when, how?" I fired each question at her. "I knew you would ask that." She chuckled, and a huge smile broke out on my face.

"I need all the details."

"Ok, so you know how my parents were looking for suitors? It turns out that one of the proposals turned out to be of Ahad from our university."

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