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Hello people!
So first of all I apologize for not updating on Friday, lets just say I had a bit of a writer's block and I couldnt come up with any ideas. But Thank god it was gone as soon as it came and now I'll be updating regularly according to the schedule:)

Now, I hope you enjoy this chapter and be sure to vote and comment on it<3

Also, if ya'll havent checked out already, be sure to check out my new book. It's just random Arts and drawings I do from time to time, I'd love to hear your thoughts on it:)


Inaya's POV:
I placed my hand on my face as the sunlight streamed in through the windows. Who opened the curtains? I will kill Kanwal. A smile formed on my face as I looked around my old room, I had missed this alot.

It had been 3 days since I had been back to Pakistan. True to his word, Zayaan had fixed my ticket to Pakistan for a week later. My whole week had passed in packing and shopping, even Zayaan had been coming home early to spend more time with me.

Upon the day I was coming to Pakistan, I had cried alot. First I had cried when I was leaving Zayaan, then I had cried tears of joy after seeing my family.


Flashback to three days ago:
I sniffed against his chest as tears trailed down my cheek. "Can't you come with me?" I muttered against his chest. He chuckled as he patted my head. "Love, we had this discussion before."

"It doesnt hurt to try." I pulled back a little and stared into his dark eyes. I could see the sadness in the depth of them and I felt fresh tears brewing in my eyes. "Flight Ek605 is now about to board." I heard the announcement in the background.

He cupped my cheek while gazing at me lovingly. "I'll be there before you know it, now you better get going before you miss your flight." I nodded as I gave him a small smile. "I love you."

"I love you too." He said kissing my head affectionately.


My whole family including my parents and sister had arrived to pick me up on the airport. Seeing them there had made me realize how much I had missed them, no matter how much I had talked on the phone it couldn't justify the feeling of seeing them infront of me.

Even though me and Zayaan talked almost everyday, I still missed him alot, especially at night. Zayaan had a wierd habit of cuddling while I had always hated it but I guess I had slowly gotten used to having his warmth next to me.

Sighing, I got out off bed and made my way to the bathroom. After freshening up, I dressed into some blue jeans and a black floral top and made my way downstairs. "Assalamualikum Ammi, Abbu." I greeted both of them by pecking their cheeks.

I sat down on the dining table beside Kanwal who still looked sleepy. "You look terrible." I chuckled and she glared at me. "Not everyone has the energy to get ready in the morning." She eyed my outfit and I rolled my eyes.

"Inaya, you're going to your in laws house today, right?" My mother questioned while placing an aloo paratha infront of me. A big smile formed on my face upon seeing it, I had missed my mom's cooking alot.

"Yes Ammi, I informed Rabia Ammi that I'll be visiting today." Ever since I came to Pakistan I had been busy in shopping with Dania and hadn't gotten a chance to visit Zayaan's parents even once. Zayaan's mother had been calling me everyday, asking if I would visit them but I would have to apologize.

Today I had finally decided to visit them the first thing in the morning. "That's good. Spend the day with them, afterall that's your home now." I nodded as I started eating.

After I was done with breakfast, I bid everyone goodbye and was on my way to Zayaan's parent's house.


"We are so glad to have you here bhabi." Mehak exclaimed and I smiled brightly. I had arrived half an hour ago and Zayaan's mother had immediately engulfed me into a hug while Zayaan's father had patted my head affectionately.

After the greetings, Rabia Ammi had made some tea and snacks and we all had chatted in the lounge while eating them. Sometime later, Zayaan's father left for work while his mother went to the kitchen to make lunch. Mehak and Ruby had brought me to their room and I had happily complied.

"When is bhai coming?" Anum asked and I sighed. "I don't know, you know how much your brother loves his work. He'll probably come in a week or two." Anum and Mehak laughed at this. "We were hoping you would be able to change that." Mehak teased and I rolled my eyes.

"As if that could happen." I shrugged and they shook their heads. "I have an idea, let's watch a movie." Anum added and I nodded. "How about the Notebook?"

"Sure." I replied. "Zayaan bhai hates that movie." Anum laughed and I raised my brow. "I didn't know your brother watched romantic movies."

"We forced him to watch it with us." Mehak smirked and I laughed out.

They finally played the movie on the tv and we started watching it. Halfway through the movie, I decided to help mama a bit in the kitchen. "I'll be back in a bit." I whispered to Mehak and quietly left the room. I was about to walk downstairs when my eyes fell on Zayaan's room. Making a mental note to visit it later, I made ny way to the kitchen.

"What are you doing here beta?" Mama asked upon seeing me. "I wanted to help a bit." I smiled as I started cutting the vegetables with her. We worked in silence when she finally spoke out, breaking it. "I'm very happy for you both, I haven't seen my son this happy in so long." She smiled sadly and I listened silently.

"To be honest, I was wary of this marriage at first. I wasn't exactly happy when Zayaan decided to marry you out of the blue and I didn't really think that it would work out but Zayaan was persistent. He was convinced to marry you no matter what."

I felt my brow rising. What? Zayaan was the one who had asked to marry me? I had always thought it was his father's decision. "Zayaan asked to marry me?" I questioned and she gave me a confused look.

"I thought he might have told you. He was the one who had announced to marry you." I froze as I thought about it. It was finally starting to make sense, his reaction when I had told him that we both didn't want this marriage or the fact he was so persistent in taking me with him. He had always wanted this marriage in the first place but now the question was why?

To my information, I hadn't ever met him before or even seen him. I groaned internally at all the questions in my mind. If only he would just answer them easily without changing the subject. "Are you ok?"

I came out of my thoughts as I smiled at the woman infront of me. "Yes, I was just thinking." She nodded as she started boiling the water. I could tell from her eyes that she missed Zayaan alot. Afterall he was her only son and he hardly visited Pakistan due to all the work.

"I always wished my son could be a bit more open but some events in his life changed him. I just want you to promise me that you'll always be there for him no matter what." I held her hand reassuringly. "I'll always be there for him."

"I'm happy to have a daughter like you."
Looks like Inaya is back in Pakistan now. Lots of mysteries to unravel, don't you think? Also yes this book would be of 30 plus chapters as you can already tell and also feel free to ask any questions:)

Note: there might be a double update today;)

Find out what happens next.
Until then

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