Chapter 7

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Anna's POV

I wanted to take Sofia to a mall today. I feel bad that she rarely goes out of the house. I will talk with Edward about enrolling her in the kindergarten. She needs to socialize with other children.

I was sleeping until 8 o'clock then decided to take a shower. Weather was warm so I decided to wear black crop top and jeans shorts.

I heard the smell of bacon coming to my room and hurried downstairs to eat the breakfast. I saw my mother putting eggs on the plates.

''Morning mom.''
''Morning sweetie. I made you breakfast.''
''Thanks.'' I sat down and grabbed fork.
''How are Edward and Sofia?''
''They are good. I'm actually going with Sofia to the mall.''
''That's great. Say hello to them from me.'' I nodded my head and finished eating.

I slipped in my Fila sneakers and took my purse. There is a long drive to their house so I always take a cab to there.
After we came to the house, I paid the driver and got out.

I rushed to the front door and opened it. I could hear Mary talking and then loud giggles from Sofia. I went in the kitchen and saw Mary cleaning the sink  while Sofia was sitting in her chair.

''Hello.'' I said and put the purse on the island.
''Mommy!'' Sofia squealed and made grabby hands. I picked her up and sat her on my hip.
''How have you been baby?'' I caress her cheek.
''Good. I ate breakfast with Mary now.''
''That's great. Where is daddy?'' I kiss her cheek.
''He is upstairs in his office working.''

''Do you want to eat something Anna?'' Mary asked me.
''No thank you, I already did. You should go home Mary to rest. It's weekend anyway.''
''But Mr. Reed won't agree.''
''He will. You can take a weekend free. Don't worry.'' I smiled softly at her.
''Thank you Anna.''
''No problem.''

She put the apron on her place and grabbed her bag.
''Sofia, give kiss to Mary and say bye.''
She kissed Mary's cheek.
''Bye Mary.'' She giggled.
''Bye Sofi.''

She left the house after waving us. I went upstairs in Sofia's room to pick the outfit for her. I put her down and opened her closet.

''Do you know where are we going today?'' I ask her.
''No mommy.''
''To shopping.'' She widened her eyes and squealed.
''Yup. And we are going to buy a lot of clothes.''
''Yayy.'' She cheered and jumped around the room.
''We need to choose what are you going to wear first.''

I looked over at the closet and decided on jeans shorts with little pink unicorn on the back pocket and pink T-shirt. I dressed her in that and she was extremly happy with my choice.

''Do you want blue or white shoes?''
I put white socks on her then white shoes. I made her two braids and fixed her clothes one last time before going out.

I stood in front of Edward's office hand in hand with Sofia. I crounched to her level.
''Princess, we need to ask daddy for the money first, okay?'' I whisper.
''Okay.'' She nodded firmly. I'm proud of being her mom.

I stood up straight and knocked on the door. I heard small enter before turning down the door knob. I pulled Sofia with me and saw Edward writing something on the papers.

''Hi.'' I say.
''Hi.'' He didn't even look up. Typical.
''I'm going to the mall with Sofia.'' I say.
He looked up and scanned me up and down.
''The f**k you are going in that.'' He said.
''Mommy, daddy said cuss word.'' Sofia pulled on my hand. I pulled her in front of me and covered her ears.
''What do you mean? I'm dressed.'' I say.
''Dressed? You call that a clothes?''
''For your information this is called a crop top and these are shorts.'' I point to my clothes.
''I don't care how is that called. You are not going out dressed in that.''
''You can't tell me what I'm going to wear.''
''If you are a mother, you will dress decently.''
''Oh sorry, I didn't know mothers have dress code.'' I retorted. He took a deep breath knowing that he lost.

I removed my hands from Sofia's ears.
''Daddy we need money for shopping.''
Sofia said.
''Yes daddy, we need your credit card.'' I say smirking. Sofia giggled at that.

Edward rolled his eyes and took his wallet from the drawer. He pulled out a red credit card and pointed to me to take it. I went closer to him and intended to take it but he pulled it away.

''Only if you take something from my closet to cover up.'' He smirked. I closed my eyes and took deep breath.
''Sofia will wait for you here until you come back.''

I turned around and hurried in his room. I entered his closet and picked black sweatshirt. I put it on and returned to his office quickly.

''Is it good now?'' I ask. He motioned me with his finger to come closer. I listened and stood in front of him. He zipped it until it reached above my breasts.
''Good to go.'' He slapped my butt. I took a credit card from the table and grabbed Sofia's hand.

I will die from hotness outside. I took car keys from the car where is Sofia's car seat. It's black BMW and I started to like it. I secured her in it and went to the driver seat.

''Ready to go?'' I ask her.
''Yes.'' She giggled.

Sofia's POV

My mom is the best mommy ever. She brought me into the big house. There were also a lot of people with kids like me. Mommy put me on her hip and entered in the big room with a lot of clothes for me.

''You can choose whatever you like baby.'' Mommy told me. I got super excited and showed her what I liked. I didn't want too much stuff but everything is so pretty.

Mommy took me to another shop with really pretty shoes. I was so happy when she showed me princess shoes.

''Mommy, I want them.'' I say.
''Which ones?'' I pointed to the pink ones.
''You need to try it first then we'll buy it.''

She put me down and took the box with the shoes. She removed my shoes and put the pink ones on. They are perfect for me.
''Are they good?'' She asked me. I nodded my head.
''Are you sure? They are not too small or too big?''
''They are perfect mommy.''
''Okay then.'' She removed it and put back the white ones.

She lifted me up and took the box to pay for them. Mommy already had three bags in her hand and now she has four. Maybe they are too heavy?

''Mommy do you want me too help you carry the bags?'' I ask.
''No baby. I will carry them.'' She smiled and kissed my cheek.

We were shopping until mommy had a lot of bags. I was tired and then we went back home. Mommy put bags behind in the car and put me in my car seat.

The sky was already dark blue and we came in front of the house. We went inside and mommy brought bags in my room.

She changed me in my pajama took me in the kitchen to eat. She made sandwich for me and her. I finished and yawned.

Mommy took me in her arms and I wrapped my arms around her neck. Mommy was humming some melody that made me sleep.

Edward's POV

I was in my office still doing paperwork  when door opened. Anna came inside looking tired. She came closer to my desk.

''I put Sofia to sleep. We came back about an hour ago.''
''Are you tired?'' I ask her.
She nodded her head and yawned. I took her hand and pulled her to sit on my lap.

She got comfortable and leaned on my shoulder. I put my arms around her hips tightly.
''Do you want me to make you something to eat?''
''No, I'm fine. You can sleep.'' I removed her hair from face.
''Okay.'' She nuzzled her face in my neck and she was out quickly.

I finished with papers and closed the open files. I lifted her up and went in our room. She opened her eyes when I put her on the bed.

She was half asleep but managed to remove my sweatshirt. I went in my closet and took shirt for her. She lifted her arms for me to put the shirt on.
After I put it on her I removed my clothes leaving me in boxers and she already removed her shorts.

I laid next to her and pulled her closer then covered us with blanket. She was already snoring softly. I kissed her forehead and wrapped my arm around her.

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