Chapter 17

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Anna's POV

It's my first day of college after summer finished and the first thing I do in the morning is emptying my stomach. It's probably because of nervousness.

I have been so excited about it also. I dressed in black jeans and white blouse after showering. I went to get Sofia ready for the kindergarten and drop her off by the way.

''Baby, wake up! We'll be late to the kindergarten.'' I say as I open her closet. I heard her getting up from bed as I was picking pink matching sweatsuit and sneakers for her.

I washed her and dressed then prepared her backpack as always. I was very nervous at the thought I'll be late. I rushed out of the house after making sure I took everything I'll need.

After I dropped off Sofia, I came in front of the building. There were many students going inside and that didn't make my current situation better as I was feeling dizzy.

But, it is what it is. I entered the building and asked about my first class. There were a lot of people in my class. I sat at the back of the room, right next to some girl. She gave me small smile as I returned it.

Professor soon entered and started talking about how our first year is going to be like. When he called my name, everybody turned 360⁰ to me and stared. I felt a little uncomfortable under their stares but professor quickly moved on the next one.

''Are you really Edward Reed's wife?'' The girl that previously smiled at me asked.
''Wow, nice to meet you then. I'm Isa.''
''Anna.'' I smile.
''Why did you want to attend this college?'' She asked me.
''I got accepted into it.'' I shrug.
''Same.'' She smiled.

I was with Isa through the rest of the day in college. She is actually really good girl. Straightforward, but with bubbly personality. She is from Washington and she came in New York because she got accepted in this college.

I introduced myself to few people but I didn't get friends with them like I did with Isa. We made a deal that we'll hang out and I'll show her around. I didn't actually expect that I'll make a friend the first day here.

When I finished with the college, I went to pick up Sofia on my way and stop by pharmacy to buy something for nausea. I was dizzy again but now it's better. I got out of the car and went inside the kindergarten. I saw her teacher with Sofia and some other two kids waiting.

''Hello.'' I smile as I got closer.
''Hello, Mrs. Reed.''
''Mommy!'' Sofia squealed as she made grabby hands. I picked her up and sat her on my hip.
''Were you good today baby?'' She nodded her head.
''She was very good today. And I can tell she has a gift for drawing.'' The teacher said.
''Thank you. She loves to draw very much.'' I smile.
''That's for sure.''
''Thank you for taking care of her today. Goodbye.''
''Bye. And bye to you too Sofia.'' The teacher waved to her.
''Bye teacher.'' She giggled.

I got her in her seat and dove off. Luckily, pharmacy was on my way so I stopped by.
''Baby wait for me here. I'll be back quickly.''
''Okay mommy.'' I smiled and got out of the car.

There weren't many people in the pharmacy. As I was looking for the medicine I passed by pregnancy tests. Wait a minute! What if I'm a pregnant? I'm dizzy and I puked this morning. It won't hurt if I take one just to make sure.

I took medicine and pregnancy test then paid it to the cashier. I entered the car and drove off home. What if I'm really pregnant? Will Edward want the  baby? Because I for sure will give a birth to it in case this test is positive.

But what if he doesn't want it? He never said that he loves me neither did I. But I do love him, very much. I'm afraid of his reaction if I ever tell him I'm pregnant. We already have Sofia so it may be a burden to him.

I didn't even noticed that we arrived in front of the house. I entered inside with Sofia and went upstairs to change her first. I put onesie on her and let her play. I went in my room and took athletic shorts and crop top to change into.

I went in the bathroom to take the test. I read description and usage. I waited for five minutes for results to show and what I saw didn't surprise me actually.

Two lines.

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