Carmen Morris

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    Carmen P.O.V.

      There are things going on in peoples life that no one knows about. Things can be happening to people that they don't tell the closest people to them for their safety. My names Carmen Morris and I'm being abused. Now you may think I'm just saying this for attention, but it's true. The abuse from my father Jack Morris started when I was 6. It was like any other day I wake to the smell of my mom making  favorite breakfast. I run down the stairs trying to get there as fast as I can as I'm starving in the mornings. I hug my mother and father good-morning. "Hi sweetheart" my mother says to me. "Hi mommy" I say back.

As I wait for my mom to finish making breakfast I think about how I got so lucky with my parents. I don't know what life would be like without them in it. I get knocked out of my thoughts as my mom sits a chocolate chip pancake in front of me. As I start to eat my mom tells me "After eating you need to get ready for soccer practice it starts in an hour."

When she finishes telling me this I give her a thumbs up signaling I heard her. Once I finish eating I tell my mom thank you for breakfast as I'm running upstairs to get ready for soccer practice. After I finish getting ready for practice I get in the car as my mom locks the front door. As we're driving down the road I hear a load horn I look to the left as I see a semi coming right towards us. As I am about scream the truck collides into the side of the car.

That's the last thing I remember from that horrible day.

When I woke up I look around and realize I'm in the hospital. I see my father in the corner of the room that smells like disinfectant. "Dad" I say as he looks up at me with red teary eyes. At the moment I realize something bad must have happened. "Where's mom?" as I ask this question I can see more tears building up in his eyes. "I'm sorry princess, when the truck collided with the car your mom passed away instantly." When I hear those words leave my dads mouth I break down crying and heaving trying to get air in my lungs.

   Since that horrible day my father hasn't been the same. All he does know is drink himself into oblivion everyday. After my moms funeral is when he started to drink a lot more. That's also around the same time the abuse stated. At first it was just a slap here and there I thought it didn't mean anything and that it would stop after a while. Once a year passed and the slapping turned into punches and kicks as well. My father didn't start using knives to cut me till I was 12. Once I realized that the abuse wasn't going to stop I started calling my dad by his name Jack since I don't consider him my father. A father would never do these type of things to his own flesh and blood. I have scars all over my body, but one thing he never did was leave noticeable bruises or cuts I couldn't hide. Now that I am 17 I've learned things not to do when he gets this way. Jack has a set of rules I have to follow or the consequence will be even worse.

1. Always have breakfast made before he wakes up in the morning                                                       
2. The house has to be spotless by the time he gets home from drinking                                              
3. Have dinner made for him by the time he gets home   
4. The fridge has to be stocked with alcohol at all times                                                                         
5. Do as told                                                                                                      

    I've tried running away, but every-time I have tried he has some how caught me and the result was me being beat till I'm on the nip of death. It's sad to that I have gotten used to the pain he causes me. There's only one person in the whole world who knows about my bruises and that's my bestfriend Avery Bradford. Avery and I became friends when we were super little her mom and my mom were bestfriends so we pretty much grew up together like sisters. She's tried getting me to come forward to the police about the abuse, but I know that Jack has eyes everywhere and I know that if he found out that I told the police he would finish me off and just kill me.

In honestly I hope he would go a head and finish the job it saves me from enduring this constant pain. I've thought about ending it all, but I believe that I'm put on this Earth for a reason and I can't just leave Avery by herself. Avery and I both go to the same high-school at Townshend Harris High School. It's pretty much like all the cliché movies with the jocks, queen bees, nerds, loners, emo kids, and bad boys. Avery and I aren't really apart of any group we just stick to each other.

Avery first found out about the abuse when I showed up at her house after one of the worse beatings I've ever gotten and I needed help patching up the cuts Jack caused cutting me with a kitchen knife. She promised not to tell anyone and she has kept that promise to this day. When I can't cover up the bruises she'll help cover them for school so know one else finds out about the abuse. They'll jut give me pity and if there's anything I hate more then Jack is pity from anybody. I had enough of that when my mom died. I miss my mom more than anything. I know that if I didn't have soccer practice that day she would still be here with me.

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