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Carmen P.O.V.

As Xavier and I walk back towards his car I feel his hand brush mine and I get shocks all throughout my arm from them. I feel him grab my hand and interlock are fingers together as he rubs the pad of his thumb on my hand. My heart starts beating out of my chest at the feelings Xavier is causing me in a just day of being with him. I know after today that we won't speak again, but I think I should enjoy these feelings for today and today only. I lean my head on his shoulder as I start to get drowsy from the lack of sleep. Walking to the passenger side of the door I feel Xavier come up behind me and open the door for me I say a quick thank you and get into the car.

Xavier jobs over to his side of the car and starts the car up as he start to reverse out of the parking lot he grabs my hand again and sits out interlocked hands on my thigh. I look towards the window to hide my blush. "Love, it's a window I can see your reflection, so don't bother in hiding your adorable blush." If possible I start blushing harder as I hear him chuckling to himself "Hey, its not funny." I say as I start chuckling at myself as well.

I tell Xavier where I live and he starts driving that way as he keeps rubbing my hand with his thumb. As he pulls up to my house I start getting my stuff together as Xavier opens my door for me. I say thank you as I get out and he smiles and nods his head as you're welcome. He walks me up to my door "Thank you for today," I say as I unlock my door. "You're welcome my queen," he replies. I don't know why, but when he called me his queen I got butteries in my stomach.

Walking upstairs to my room I think about how I got to spend the day with the guy I've always liked. I've always kind of had a crush on Xavier and Avery always liked his bestfriend Ryan. We never speak to them we just admire from a far I doubt they even know who we are. As I walk downstairs to put the alcohol up I hear my father open the front door signaling he just got home. I hear Jack start walking towards the kitchen to where I am "Did you get my alcohol," Jack asked. I just nod my head yes and keep my head down as I don't want a beating right now. I feel stinging sensation some to my left cheek and realized he slapped me across the face.

After about an hour of him kicking and punching at my fragile body I see him get a knife from the kitchen drawers and start walking towards me. When he gets right in front of my face I scream as I feel him plunge the knife into my stomach. I hear him laughing as he starts walking out of the house as the is still in my stomach. I lay on the kitchen floor for what seems hours, but was really just a couple of minutes. I know I need to get help to be able to get this knife out because I know I won't be able to do it myself. I grab my phone from my back pocket and call Avery to come over and help. "Hello" she answers "I need you to get to my house now please and hurry" I reply and hang up.

A few minutes later I hear her running through the house "in here" I say as she runs into the kitchen "omg Carmen" she says as she sees the state I am in. "I need your help to get me to the bathroom and for you to pull the knife out", as I say this she looks at me like I am crazy. "please" I say with tears in my eyes as the pain starts to become to much for me to handle. Avery grabs my body carefully and puts most of my weight onto her since I cant hole my body up currently. We walk into he bathroom and she starts to count down from 3 and pulls the knife out on 2, so I least expect it. I scream out in pain as she starts to clean the wound and stitches is up for me. I hate that she knows what to do since she's had to do this for me before.

Avery puts me to bed after giving me some pain meds and leaves to go back to her house since we have school tomorrow.

I wake up and realize I am running late I jump out of bed, but quickly cry out at the pain in my stomach from getting stabbed. I quickly take a cold shower and go into my closet and pick out my outfit. I grab a white Nike tank top and tuck into my light washed skinny jeans and out on a creamed color wind breaker jacket. As I am walking out of the door I make sure to grab my air force 1.

As I look up I see Xavier sitting on the hood of his car in my driveway

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As I look up I see Xavier sitting on the hood of his car in my driveway. I start walking towards him and ask "what are you doing here?" He opens the passenger side door of his car and says "I am here to give you a ride to school." I don't question since I am in to much pain to argue with him I get into the car and put on my seatbelt carefully and not put to much pressure on the stab wound. AS he starts up the car he grabs my hand and interlock are fingers once again and starts driving towards the school.

As we pull up to the school I see everybody look towards the car and can tell he get a lot of attention from everybody. When he gets out of the car he comes around to the passenger side and open the door for me I say a small thanks and hurry and walk away, so I don't get a lot of attention. I thought if I walked away from Xavier he would just walk away and leave me alone, but boy could I have been more wrong. Xavier walks up next me and stays next to me all through out walking to my locker and getting my stuff. Walking into my class I realize we have the same first period, I go and sit in the back corner and Xavier follows me and sits next to me.

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