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Carmen P.O.V.

The first thing I see when I walk into school is my bestfriend Avery standing at my locker jumping up and down with excitement. As I stand in front of my locker I feel Avery attack me and say "I missed you so much." I wince at the pain in my back and ribs caused by last nights beating from Jack. I feel her get off me quickly "omg, are you okay," she asks. "Yeah I'm fine," I reply back to her. I shut my locker and start walking down the hallway to first period with Avery by my side.

School wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be, but it was still extremely boring like always. As I am walking the side walk headed home I start thinking about the beating I will probably get since I am late after the teacher talked to me after class. I look up and see the front of my house and look over to the left towards the driveway and see Jack's car there.

Opening the door I am immediately pushed against the wall by my throat. I look up and see Jack angry face in front of mine. You could smell the alcohol a mile a way with how much he drinks. "Why are you late," Jack asks deathly calm. "My teacher talked to me after class," I replied best as I could with having barely any air in my lungs.

As he drops me to the floor I collapse and start feeling kicks to my stomach. I hear a crack and know he broke some of my ribs. He stops after a couple more kicks and just walks out the door , probably to get more alcohol. I slowly start to get up from my crouched position on the floor and use the railings on the stairs to get up to my room to get ready for work.

Walking into work I am immediately ran up to by my boss Mrs. Collins. "How bad was it this time love," she asks me. "Just a couple kicks, I'm fine," I reply, but I can tell she doesn't believe me. She pulls me into the employee bathroom and tells me to show her my stomach so she can wrap it. As I pull my t-shirt up she gasp and puts her hand over her mouth. I can tell she fixing to cry so I hug her to make her feel better.

Taking orders with broken ribs is a pain in the ass. The pain is indescribable having to constantly walking around taking orders.

Closing up is my least favorite thing to do since it means I have to go back home to Jack. Locking the café door up I turn around and collide into a wall. I feel hands wrap around my waist and I immediately wince in pain and hutch over to lessen the pain.

"Are you okay," I hear a deep voice ask. "Yeah I am fine," I reply as I start looking up. I gasp at who I see, Xavier Knight. Now I know most people cower in fear at just the sight at him, but nothing is more scary then Jack. Walking around him to get home on time I feel him grasp my wrist and pull me back towards him. "Are you not scared of me," he asks bewildered. "No not really," I pull my wrist away from him and walk away as fast as I could to get home since I know I am late.

Xavier P.O.V.

As I see my princess walk away I stand there bewildered at how she didn't show any fear with me. I knew she was my queen when I caught her from falling. I don't understand why she winced when I wrapped my arms around her when we collided. I lean against the wall of the café to wait for Mrs. Collins to come out. Mrs. Collins walks out and see me and turns towards me and hugs me like her life depends on it. "Xavier, why don't you come see me anymore since you got the gang," she asks. "Mrs. Collins you know how busy I have been with the gang and looking for my queen." I reply. "Who was that girl that just left?"I ask. "Oh, that's Carmen she's like my daughter". Mrs. Collins replies.

As we are walking towards my car to drop her off at her house I start thinking about my queen. I can't stop thinking of that look of fear in her eyes when she was walking away fast. I can't believe how brave my queen is since she's not scared of me. She didn't even flinch or cower in fear at just the sight of me or even the sound of my voice. Her voice made me weak in the knees at how angelic it sounded. It may seem weird and to soon, but I already love her more than I thought possible. Dropping off Mrs. Collins I start driving home slowly, so I can think about my queen, Carmen. Carmen is such a gorgeous name it suits her perfectly.

She's perfect with her brown hair and bright grey eyes. I never thought someone could be so beautiful just standing there. I know I have to find her, I already miss the feelings of her in my arms. Pulling into the gang house I hurry and get inside to talk to my trackers that I have in the gang. I tell them to find my queen and describe her to them.

I found out she goes to the same school as me, but how could I have not seen her and known sooner she was my queen. Tomorrow at school I am going do anything I want to find my queen, so I can have her back in my arms. How could someone stay so hidden, I ask myself.

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