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Carmen P.O.V.

   As school finishes I walk through the doors to head home. "Carmen" I hear a familiar voice yell from my left. Looking over to the left I see Xavier sitting on the hood of his car. "What," I say back with no emotion showing on my face or in my voice. "Get in," he says with sadness in his voice. Not caring what happens to me anymore I get into the passenger side as he opens the door for me. When he starts driving down the road he reaches for my hand, but I pull my hand away and sit it into my lap with my other hand. What's he planning? I think to myself as we are headed towards the opposite direction of my house. Looking up as I feel him park the car I see we are at his house he took me to a few weeks ago. Walking over to the passenger side Xavier opens the door for me and reaches his hand down for me "Don't," I say as I hear sadness and guilt in my own voice knowing he doesn't want anything to do with me and he's only bringing me here to tell me just that.

   When we walk into the house Xavier starts walking up the stairs and into his room with me following behind him. Walking into his room I stay standing up as he sits on the edge of his bed "Come sit down please," Xavier says. "No thanks I like standing," I say knowing once he says everything I will want to run out of here. When a few minutes go by and he doesn't say anything I sigh and start making my way towards the door "No wait," I hear him say as he grips my wrist and pulls me towards him were my back is against his chest. "What do you want Xavier," I say giving up and letting him keep his hold on me. "The truth," he says with a sigh. "About what," I question knowing already what he's talking about. "All of the bruises you have," he says as he turns my body around and looks at the bruises, but still keeps his hold on me.

   "There not important," as I say this his grip tightens around me. "The f*ck that they don't. Someone is hurting you and your not telling me who," he says not loosening his grip on me. I give up and lean my head on his chest and wrap my own arms around his waist and not let go. "I'm so sorry," he says as he starts running his fingers through my hair. Not taking my head off his chest I shake my head no knowing he thinks this is all his fault. "I don't want to talk about it right now" as I say this this I feel him shake his head yes has he keeps playing with my hair. Feeling him tap the back of my thighs wanting me to jump I do as asked and wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist and bury my face into the crook of his neck as I feel him grip my thighs tighter. Laying us on the bed I still don't let go of him wanting to be close to the guy I have feelings for. Where did that come from? I have feelings for him I think to myself as a smile makes it way onto my face.  

   Wrapping his arms tighter around me I feel his breathing slow down letting me know that he has fallen asleep. Laying for a little longer I start to unwrap myself from his hold on me. "Don't go," I hear him say as he retightens his hold on me. Wrapping my arms around his neck and sticking my neck into his neck and placing a small kiss on the crook of his neck I felt my body fall into a well needed sleep.

   Waking up to something moving I slowly open my eyes to Xavier getting out of the bed and walking into the bathroom. Jack is going to kill me since I am late again I think to myself closing my eyes not caring anymore. Hearing the bathroom door open and footsteps walking towards the bed I feel Xavier get back into the bed and wrap his arms around my waist and whisper "I'm going to figure out what is happening to you, I promise." Placing a kiss on my cheek then one on my forehead he falls back into a deep sleep.

   "Baby, wake up," I hear Xavier whisper in my hear as he runs his fingers through my hair. I groan as I lean farther into his neck and let out a deep breathe as I raise my body away from his and get out of the bed. Grabbing my phone off his nightstand I look at the time and realize it's midnight. I let out a deep breath and give up and just lay back down on Xavier and lay my head in the crook of his neck. "Love, do you just want to stay here for the night," he asks as he keeps playing with my hair "hmmm yeah I guess," I say as I feel myself getting more tired when he kisses my check then kisses my forehead. "Goodnight gorgeous," is the last thing I hear as I fall asleep in his arms.

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