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New started watching the gulf by hiding behind the wall.....

the gulf is crying out while speaking to the phone...


Gulf: Sai, where are you? please tell me. Don't do this to me. Sai...sai....sai...
can you hear me?

Sai: Gulf, it's hurting a lot...I can't feel my hand anymore.....Thank you for taking care of me all the time until now...I am sorry that I am dying without saying goodbye...*crying*

Gulf: sai..*crying*please speak to me, I am there for you...how can you leave me like this?

Sai: why God does this to me....why?
I love my mom but he took her when I was 10 years old and I loved prem with all my heart but he left me...*crying*
Why this happens to me, why only me?

Gulf: it's ok sai *crying* I am there for you...Tell me where are you?

Sai: I am sorry gulf...*crying*

Gulf: sai...sai...sai...
*cries out aloud*

Gulf fell on his knees and crying out loud...mew, who was standing there, all the time came to gulf...

Mew: gulf...what happened? Is everything ok? Why are you crying?

Gulf hugged mew and started crying more.....

Gulf: My cousin..s..sai...*crying*
He tries to kill himself...please help me...*crying*

Mew: it's ok, I am here, do you know where is he?

Gulf: I don't know...he did not say me.
* crying*

"It's ok...give me your phone"
"Come with me"

Mew took gulf's phone and started walking downstairs to the parking lot.
Mew sat on the driving seat and gulf sat beside him. Mew started driving,
while driving mew called one of his friends to trace the location of sai...
His friend found the location within


Mew: bro, did you find the location?

His friend: yes.its in Bangkok, Thailand

Mew: where is exactly in the Bangkok

His friend: its a resort near the beach...
Mew, it's your resort..."Moonshine Resort"...

Mew: Thanks, bro...Thank you so much

His friend: Anytime...

After knowing the location..mew started driving faster than before ... mew asked gulf to call the ambulance to the resort...

Gulf called the ambulance...

Mew gulf reached the resort within 10min.....They went to the receptionist

Receptionist: Good morning boss, it's been a long time since you came here last time.....

(She noticed gulf who stood beside the mew, whose eyes turned into the red due to crying )

"Sir, Is everything alright?" the receptionist asked mew...

Mew: Clara, can you check the list of guests? Is there any room booked by a person named sai?

Clara: ok sir...(she checked the whole list twice but she couldn't find a named "sai")

"Sorry, sir, there is no person named sai staying in our resort......"

By listening to those words gulf started crying again by catching his head...mew hugged gulf to comfort him but it did not help....gulf started crying more...

"Please...se..save my cousin " gulf said while crying in mew arms

"Gulf do you have any picture of sai," mew asked gulf

Gulf stopped crying and showed him the picture of sai...mew asked him to
Share the picture....

Gulf shared the picture....

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