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Mew walked to gulf...

"Hey, baby...."
Gulf came out of his thoughts. At first, he thought to hide the ring but later he thought it would be better to say mew about the secret lover to avoid misunderstands in the future...
On the other hand, mew wanted to tell the truth, and also he wants to know, how gulf feels about secret lovers....but he is not sure about the gulf reaction...he is really nervous...

"Hi! mew" gulf replied...he stood up from his chair and hugged mew...

"Mm...actually, I want to tell you about something" gulf said as he is still in mew arms...

Mew released him and nodded his head as he was ready to listen to what gulf was gonna say...

Gulf started speaking after clearing his throat...

"Mm..mew, Actually I loved someone before I loved you..."

Mew frowned his eyebrows with confusion....gulf became nervous to look at mew expression...

Gulf held mew hands...his heart is beating very hard. He is worried about how mew could react about this...

"Mew!! Please Don't misunderstand me...I have only you in my heart now
and I will love only you till my death"

"Baby! Don't mention your death around me again...and I know how much you love me..."
Mew dragged his hand and hugged him tightly...

"By the way...who is he??" mew asked out of curiosity...

"I don't know" gulf said by releasing himself from hug...

Mew is confused once again...

"I mean, He is like a secret lover...he used to send me flowers back then..."

Mew was jumping with excitement inside as he knew gulf loved him( secret lover). but acting cool outside like he is not concerned about that matter at all...

Even mew himself doesn't know why he is still hiding the truth...Maybe he wants to play a little with his boyfriend...

"Baby! He is just a stalker who sends flowers...why did you love him?" Mew asked

"Actually, there is a thing that even that secret lover doesn't know..." Gulf said interestingly ...

Now Mew became very curious to know about it.....

"What is it?..baby!!!"

"Mm. Actually, He thought, I knew him only from the day he started sending me flowers...That's why he sent this ring on the occasion of a 1month anniversary but I noticed him from the day one he started following me. it's like I knew him from my university days" gulf explained

"What!! You know me from university days?" Mew slipped his tongue.

Gulf shocked to hear mew words...
"What?? You..."

"Mm. I mean he...the secret lover" mew is still trying to hide.

"Yeah! I knew him from my university days..he used to wear that black mask and follows me...he followed me for years...Back then, I used to walk home alone at night...he used to follow me until I reach my home.....
After watching me going home safely..he used to go back...
He is such an amazing person...." Gulf kept speaking...

Yes!! What gulf said was the truth...Mew followed him for years before he started sending him flowers...but even mew is not aware of gulf noticing him from day one...Mew followed him secretly...he never thought gulf would notice him......

Mew was totally shocked after hearing those words...he was lost in thinking about those days...

"Mew! Mew!" Gulf called him...

Mew came out of his thoughts and hugged his man tightly...

"Gulf! I really don't know that you loved me back all these years...if I knew it I should not have wasted these many years playing hide and seek as a secret lover with you..."...Mew told him the truth unknowingly.....

Gulf was shocked...He did not expect this.....

"What? What did you say mew"?

Mew nodded his head implying that all he said just now is true...

"T..then... I...I did not love two persons..."

"Yeah! "

"This means... I am not a jerk who loved two persons..."

"Um...I am the only one for you gulf"

Tears started falling from gulf eyes...they are happy tears...

Gulf gave a peck on mew lips and hugged him tightly while crying...

"I love you mew..."* sniffs*

"I love you too baby" mew tried to comfort him but he also got emotional.

Suddenly, something popped into gulf head....he pushed mew away...

Mew is confused..." baby!!!"

"Mew! You knew it from the beginning right..." Gulf asked angrily

"Um.." Mew nodded nervously...

"Why did not you tell me earlier?.... Do you how much pain I felt these days...
I cursed myself for loving two persons. I cried... I scolded myself...

Do you know how many nights I spent without sleeping?.
Do you know how many nightmares I experienced..?
Do you know how many times I cried in sleep...I felt tortured...* sniffs*

Mew came forward to hug him but gulf did not allow him to hug him...

"Don't touch me???"
Gulf is not crying anymore.he is angry.his eyes turned red...

"Baby! It's not like what you think..."
Mew tried to approach him...but gulf
did not allow him to touch him...

"Leave me alone..you lied to me...
I don't want to listen to your lies anymore" gulf shouted...

Zee and sai came out of the cabin by hearing those shouts...At first, they decided not to interfere with the couple...but it's getting worse now... If they don't interfere know they might breakup...

In zee's cabin

Zee: It's getting worse...Do something baby!!
Sai: Gulf is very angry now...
We should leave him alone when he is angry or he may take a stupid decision in anger...
Zee: Go comfort your cousin..i will take my friend to his cabin...

Our savage couple entered the scene...they finally succeed in cooling down that couple but gulf is still angry at mew..he did not speak to mew for the whole day...

Sai went with gulf to his home...
Sai tried to talk about that matter but gulf strictly said that he doesn't want to talk about it...

Sai tried very hard to convince gulf to forgive mew but everyone knows about our angry gulf right....

At mew house...
zee accompanied mew...Mew is feeling bad for gulf. He called gulf many times but he did not pick up the call...he planed something with zee to get him back....

That night went like that....

The Next day..gulf went to the office along with sai. He is still angry...he did not speak to mew except about work...

It's 5'0 clock in the evening...gulf started packing his bag to go home...

The cold war is still going on...

Let's see, whether this couple gets back or not...

Keep reading...

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