sam-day in the bunker

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     a/n- hi! happy to have you here :)
this isn't edited so please comments if you notice any typos and such. enjoy!
     tw- some fluff

 enjoy!     tw- some fluff

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You sighed and put the book in front of you down, finding absolutely nothing about the Mark of Cain in it.

"Nothing in there either ?" Sam asked and you shook your head. Dean plopped down on the chair next to you, an excited expression on his face.

     "I'm heading out to the bar for some drinks, anyone wanna come with?"

"I'm going to keep doing research, Sam you can go ahead with Dean I'll be fine on my own." You replied to Dean's offer, hoping Sam won't go with him since you've always had a little crush on him. You'd always found the younger Winchester super hot, but he'd never go for you. Sam was way out of your league. 

     "You head out, the two of us will be okay here," Sam said looking back at you smiling, and with that Dean was off to the garage. You heard the roaring of Baby as Dean pulled out of the bunker heading to the nearest bar.

"Why didn't you go with him ?" You asked Sam, chewing on your bottom lip. When Sam and you were alone, it made you quite nervous since Dean wasn't here to break the tension or awkwardness.

     "I'd much rather stay here with you than go to the bar only for some random hooker to hit on me," Sam replied with a chuckle and you felt a light blush on your cheeks. Okay, maybe your crush on Sammy was more than little, and you'd flush a crimson red shade anytime he as much as spoke to you. 

    He'd rather stay with you?

"So what do you wanna do ?" Did he really wanna look through these books the whole time you two were together? You'd rather do anything else than that. 

     "Do we have any burritos in the kitchen? I'm kinda hungry." He said shutting the book he was looking at and instead turned to you.

"Um, n-no I don't think we do." Suddenly you felt uneasy under his glance, trying to look at everything but his eyes. His beautiful sunflower eyes. 

    "What's wrong? Are you feeling okay ?" Genuine concern spread over his face and he tilted his head ever so adorably. 

"No, I'm fine really. I think we have some ramen packets in the cabinets. Are you up for that ?" You told Sam, finally meeting his gaze. It was less scary than you initially thought, the eye locking contact made you feel safe. 

    "Yeah sure, you want some?"Sam said, getting up from his seat. You nodded and followed him into the kitchen where both of you made some microwaved ramen, adding some extra seasoning after. The two of you put your plates down on the kitchen table and sat across from each other, prepared to eat your very lazy lunch.

Putting the spoon full of ramen broth up to your lips, you took a sip immediately burning your lips and tongue.

    "You okay ?" Sam asked after you suddenly dropped the spoon into the plate and started coughing.

"It's hot and spicy, like really spicy." You started panting and got up to get some water to calm your burning mouth as Sam chuckled. Sitting back down you looked down at your ramen, disliking it because of how spicy it was.

    "Hey, you wanna try mine? Maybe you'll like it better." Sam brought the spoon of ramen broth up to you across the table and you leaned forward and sipped it, the taste of the broth filling your mouth. Sams wasn't spicy and you definitely liked it better. He pulled the spoon back and proceeded to spoon feed you across the table.

"Let's switch." Sam offered and you two switched plates of ramen, him no longer having to spoon feed you, although it was quite nice.

    You and Sammy ate your ramen in a comfortable silence occasionally laughing at each other because of the funny slurping sounds you both made. Sam was finished with his first but he still waited for you to finish, which didn't take long. When you were done he took both of your plates and placed them in the sink.

"You wanna get back to reading ?" He asked you as you sat on the kitchen chair, Sammy standing in front of you.

     "Uh, yeah, sure. If you want." You shrugged your shoulders getting up and sitting in the chair you were earlier in, getting back into the book you were reading. Sam was right next to you, and honestly, you wished he had offered to do something more fun. Occasionally you'd scoot your chair closer to Sam, peering over his shoulder to see what he was reading and he picked up on that.

"Wanna read with me ?" Sam asked, clearly noticing you weren't interested in your book as much. You shyly nodded as he smiled and pulled your chair even closer to his as the both of you read the book he held.

     "Wait, wait I wasn't done reading that page." You said and he turned the page back so you could finish.

"Okay, you can turn it now." Sam chuckled and followed your command. He put his free arm around you and it took you slightly by surprise but you leaned into him, laying your head against his chest. Both of you continued reading but you slowly felt yourself falling asleep. The scent of Sam's shirt and his warmth lulling you into a deep sleep.


     Sam had looked down on Y/n, only to see her eyes shut and her eyelashes rest on her cheeks as she was probably sleeping. He sighed, taking in how beautiful she looked under his arm.

"Y/n?" He whispered to her, his arm feeling slightly numb after a while. She hadn't woken up to that, not even shifted in her sleep. Sam sighed, gently moving his arm and picking her up bridal style so he could go lay her in her bed.

     Sam changed his mind while passing his room and instead decided to put her on his bed and lay next to her. Y/n responded to this by slightly opening her eyes to see Sam's face across hers, still half asleep she cuddled up to him as he pulled the blankets over the both of them. Sam draped his arm over her and they both fell asleep in each other's embrace, enjoying the silence and warmth.


     this first image is slightly boring, yes but it'll get better don't worry :)

hope you enjoyed don't forget to vote and comment!

                                                                      xoxo <3

-edited further in January 2021 

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