dean-dance with me

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     this is just a little fluff in the bunker. also i just started to listen to Metallica and rock type songs hence why I'm writing this chapter also , recommend some good songs :)

     It's been a few days since you Dean and Sam have been on a hunt and the three of you have just been doing research and reading lore

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     It's been a few days since you Dean and Sam have been on a hunt and the three of you have just been doing research and reading lore. Well, you and Sam have, but Dean would blast classic rock songs from speakers in his room and get drunk. Actually all of you were guilty of getting drunk. It finally feels like the three of you have caught a break. Cas pops in a few times a day, he even agreed to get drunk with you guys once. That was a memorable moment and you took lots of pictures.

"I'm gonna check on Dean." You said to Sammy, putting your book down.

     "Okay." He replied not really interested in talking. You shrugged your shoulders and got up to go to Deans and your's shared room. You walked in to see Dean dancing to a Metallica song, beer in his hand and pie on the nightstand. You playfully rolled your eyes and waited for Dean to notice you standing there. He turned to see you leaning against the door frame and a wide smile was on his face.

"Dance with me." He walked up to you, taking your hand and leading you in the middle of the room. Dean took a chug of his beer before you took if from his and taking a sip. Dean stared doing some stupid dance moves and you just shook your head and laughed.

     "Cmon! Enough reading lore books we should be having fun. We finally caught a break for once." Dean said to you, still dancing. If thats what you call whatever he was doing.

"We the people! Are we the people?!" He yelled, singing along to the song. Dean snaked his arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him, so your chests were touching. You laughed at him again but smiled, it's been a while you've seen him so happy and worry free.

      "Some kind of monster! Some kind of monster! This monster lives." You sang along making Dean laugh. Before you could sing the next line, he pressed his lips against yours. You smiled into the kiss before kissing him back. The kiss was slow and sweet and it was full of the love the two of you shared for each other. Dean pulled away and placed the beer down on the nightstand to wrap his other hand around your waist.

"I'm so lucky to have you." He whispered to you, his nose touching yours and you giggled.

     "No, I'm the lucky one." You told him and kissed him, wrapping your arms around your neck. Before things could get too heated he pulled away chuckling.

"You know, you could've chosen Sammy over me, hell you could've chosen Cas. But you chose me, and thats why I'm lucky." He explained, walking away from you and sitting on the bed. You sat next to him and grabbed the beer, taking a chug.

      "Yeah and you could've chosen any blonde bimbo you flirt with at the bar." You said jokingly and Dean frowned, but he still had a playful smile on his face."

"I flirt for the job, makes women less reluctant to tell me things." He defended himself, the playful smirk still on his face.

      "Mhmm suree." You opened your mouth to say something else but Dean kissed you, making you shut up. He moved you onto his lap while he was still sitting on the side of the bed. The two of you continued making out but it was loving, things didn't get heated. Dean pulled away and laid his head on your shoulder, wrapping his arms around you and embracing you in a hug.

"I love you." You whispered into his ear and played with the ends of your hair.

     "I love you too." Dean whispered back and the two of you stayed like that for a bit, before hearing Sammy call out yours and Deans name from the main room. Dean groaned into your hair and you laughed.

"He ruins everything." You gently removed yourself from Dean and he kissed the side of your cheek before the two of you went down to see what Sammy wanted. Both of you entered the main room of the bunker to see what Sam wanted from Dean and he eyed the two of you very suspiciously.

     "I didn't interrupt aren't did I?" He asked, squinting at the two of you while holding onto his computer.

"Nothing we can't pick back up again later." You said back to him, smirking.

     "Please, please don't tell me the details." Sam said while waving his hand around. You and Dean laughed at him.

"Sit, I think I found a case." He said and you took a seat next to Sam, making Dean sit on the other side of him as the three of you looked over at his computer.

     "So this girl was found behind a bar beheaded, but they only found the head a few days later with the eyes and tongue removed. And this isn't the first one, third one throughout the month." Sam explained, showing news articles on his laptop and you furrowed your eyebrows.

"And this is, where?" You asked Sam, looking at the police reports.

     "Some little beachside town in Florida." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"We're going." You said excitedly. Dean and Sam raised their eyebrow at you.

     "Guys, beachside town. I haven't been to the beach since i was a kid. And you guys- well you've never even been to the beach." You said to them, smiling widely.

"We're going on a case." Sam said and you rolled your eyes.

     "Doesn't mean we can't have some fun after, or drive to Orlando and head to Disney world. We can even bring Cas! It'll be so much fun!" You said to them both, excitement basically pouring out of you.

"Wait, slow your roll. I am not going to Disney world." Dean said and Sam laughed at him.

     "Oh shut up, you'll go wherever i will and i say we're going to Disney after the case."

"Fine by me." Sam said, raising his hands in defeat.

      "Im going to pack!" You said before basically sprinting to your room. This was going to be so. much. fun.


     ok this ones short but it was just a little cute fluff y'know AND im going to write a sam imagine where they actually do go to disney and dean is going to be paired up with cas on the rides ;) im so excited to write that ajdnkfvs. also the metallica song is the one dean was humming on the plane in season 1 when he's nervous and baby sam goes "are you humming metallica?"

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