sam-cmon baby- smut

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here we are again- sorry for not updating much i've j been reading other fanfics and feeling like crap abt mine lmao 

      tw: fingering, like HARD fingering. like to the point where u can't take it anymore if yk what im talking about you freaks ;) choking. 

Being on and off with Sam was hard. It's not that you two didn't love each other, or had trust issues. It was the hunting and the constant pain of loss which came with the fear of loosing each other.  There'd be days where you and Sam completely distanced yourselves from each other and others where you were stuck by his side like glue. Dean never bought it up and none of you had really addressed it.

      Tonight was especially hard, the three of you had come back from a exhausting and draining trip where you were bait for an extremely vengeful spirit. Sam had almost fought Dean about the idea until you had to get him to see reason. The plan mostly went through and you were able to get rid of the spirit, but not before it pushed you roughly against the wall. This was one of the moments where Sam freaked out and your relationship with him left everything at stake. Dean ended up saving both your asses and the ride back home was tense and silent.

      "I'm heading to bed." You said to the brothers while entering the bunker and throwing your go-bag on the floor. Dean mumbled a quiet goodnight to you and you headed towards Sams room, where you often shared at night. It was a force of habit even with the tension between you two. No matter what, at the end of the day you and Sam slept in the same bed. Sam followed you in and shut the door behind him, letting out a huff of air.

"You shouldn't have done that." He told you, his voice slightly raised. You rolled your eyes prepared to hear his speech about your safety. This happened after almost every hunt you came back from. 
     "Sam please, I just want to sleep." You said to him, peeling off the first layer of your clothes. You groaned when you tried to pull your shirt over your head. The muscle pain was real.

"You need to stop putting yourself in danger." Sam said while coming up behind you to help you remove your shirt. You turned around and stood in front of him, only in your grey sports bra. You sighed, looking at his gentle expression. 

     "Sam, I can't just stop hunting. I won't be some housewife that's going to be waiting for you case after case. Not even knowing if you even come back. If we do this, we do it together. And if I die, so be it." You sighed after your little rant. He seemed a bit surprised, you normally just listened to him and went to bed without an argument. You knew he meant this out of love and care, that's why is never bothered you much but enough was enough. Being treated like a porcelain doll wasn't so fun. 

"Your too good of a hunter to die." Sam said to you and tucked your hair behind your ear, slightly smiling. You smiled back at him and he gently brought his other hand around your bare waist. You leaned into his touch, missing his contact after a few days of acting professional for the case. 

    "Hell yeah I am." You replied back sassily, making the two of you chuckle. You leaned your head forward to lay it on Sams chest and he hugged you tightly. 

"I think you deserve a treat, especially after being bait." Sam whispered in your ear and you immediately knew where this was going. Your muscle pain and tiredness said no, but your heart said yes and to that you smiled. You gently pushed away from Sam to look up at him. He dipped down to kiss you and pushed your pants down your hips, making them drop to the floor. You wrapped your legs around his torso as he pulled you up, carrying you in his arms as if you weighed nothing. Sam gently laid you down on his bed before removing himself from you to shut the door and pull his shirt off.

      Sam crawled over to you, his head stopping right above your stomach. He kissed down to your lower abdomen and tugged your panties off. You sat up to pull your sports bra off and felt Sams finger graze over your clit. A sharp breath left your lips and looked down at Sam, who was looking up at you from in between your legs. The sight was beautiful, his sunflower eyes darkened with lust and he smirked, planning all the things he was going to do to you in just a matter in seconds. His fingers began tracing your inner thighs and drawing random patterns before you finally felt his lips on your heat. Sam licked up your folds making you grip the bedsheets in ecstasy. This man sure did know every inch of your body better than you did. He continued his licking while you arched your back and moaned out his name along with several curse words. Only Sam ever made you feel this way and the sexual tension from the past few days sure have been building up. You felt his finger at your entrance and before begging for it, he already had it working you from the inside. And soon another, where they were both rubbing at your g-spot, over and over again. He stopped and you looked at him only to see him spit right onto your clit and make eye contact before he started to move his fingers at an immense speed inside you, sending you into complete bliss as you arched your back and came undone on his fingers. Sam sat up while keeping his fingers on your clit and pulled you into a different position where you were facing him upright. He was sitting across you, his left hand on the small of your back and his right over your clit. He began to gently work you to your second orgasm and you whined at the sensitivity. Your back was against the headboard and you pushed off of it, eager to get off again. 

      "Sam-." You started to say, his fingers were covered in your slick as they worked through your folds. You were feeling too much pleasure to even remember what you wanted to say and the pleasure only increased when Sams fingers filled you up again. You gripped his wrist, letting out some of the pressure building up in you. You were a mess in his arms and he knew that all too well. His fingers grazed your g-spot a few times before you came again, this time leaving you more breathless and disorientated. Sams lips twisted into a smile and you could see the beads of sweat form on his forehead. He leaned forward to kiss you and again move you into another position that was similar to the rest but let him have more access. His hand started rubbing your clit in circles in slow circles and you started to shake your head. You were definitely going to pass out. 

"I c-can't." You could barely get those two simple words out in between moans. Sam nodded his head and suddenly he had started the whole cycle again, making you almost scream. Was he really going for a third? There had been night where you came as much as six times in one "session" you could say, but tonight? 

     "Yes, yes you can." He said gruffly, focusing on you and only you. As far as you could tell, this was all about you today. You weren't complaining and honestly, you couldn't wait to repay the favor tomorrow morning. His fingers stared rubbing your g-spot and you felt the same feeling wash over you. You weren't going to last long this time either. Sam moved his free hand onto your neck and applied slight pressure on the sides. The lightheaded feeling took over you and you came again, your throat feeling hoarse from the moaning and whining. Sam pulled you into his lap and your body felt limp. 

"One more baby." He said, bringing his fingers to your dripping entrance. You shook your head, still not fully in your right mind and slightly pushed him away but once his hand took its spot, you were a moaning mess all over again. Your protest against a fourth time quickly stopped when Sam pressed his lips onto yours, swallowing your moans and complaints. The two of you had a safe word, but Sam driving you to this state was normal for you. So he knew when to really stop.

     "C'mon baby, one more time for me." Sam whispered into your ear and you moaned, his fingers stretching you out. You slumped against him, the sweat off of your body rubbing off on his t-shirt. You grabbed Sam's forearm for stability and had your forehead against his. His long fingers worked their magic on you, rubbing and teasing your sensitive spot. 

You could barely get his name out as you reached your orgasm for the last time tonight with your head thrown back while Sam watched your face, it was always his favorite part. Your body shook and it all hit you too much at once to the point where tears streamed from your eyes. Your breathing was all over the place and now you were crying from the feeling that coursed through your body. 

     "Hey, hey you okay?" Sam asked, concern filling his eyes. He wiped your tears away with the back of his hand. You nodded, leaning into his touch. After a bit, you had mentally calmed down, although your body needed much rest. 

"I got overwhelmed." You said, your voice coming out lower than a squeak. You cleared your throat and smiled at Sam, who's face was as bright as a Christian tree. His smile was from ear to ear as he admired your body in his arms. 

     "We'll shower in the morning, okay? I just have to use the bathroom and I'll be right back." You nodded and Sam peeled himself from you and laid you down like a baby, pulling the covers over your naked body. You laid in the bed while Sam was in the bathroom and drifted off into a sleep, exhausted from, well-

wc- 1750 

     a/n- two in one night wow. i like this one too, hope you guys like it aswell. im writing this at 4 in the morning so im sorry if it doesn't make sense or if there's a mistake. 

also this is in no way non consensual. y/n knew what she was getting into ;) 

      dont forget to vote and comment, ily ! <3


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