• Chapter Six •

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Hey guys.
So I just want to thank those of you who have read this book so far.
You have no idea how grateful I am.

Hope you enjoy.


When I walked into the room I saw Archer sitting on a stool, while a man spoke to him in a very enthusiastic manner and cleaned up his face wounds.

The man looked middle age, maybe in his forties. He had brown hair with a few bits of grey showing through. He spoke in a gruff voice, but spoke with passion.

"That's Garry, He's Archers Coach." Cody informed me.

That makes sense. He looks like he's been a few fights of his own back in his day.

After Garry finished speaking to Archer, he came over to say hello to the guys.

"Hello my boys. How're you doing? We haven't had a chance to catch up in a while."

"I've been good. I'm up for a spot on the national swim team." Devin said proudly.

"Wow, but we always knew you'd get there. Well done boy."

"And you, Cody?" He asked a second later, after patting Devin on the back with a proud smile.

"Well Gar, absolutely nothing has changed." Cody said with a grin.

"Well boy, at least you're doing well where you are." Garry said shaking his head, while he chuckled.

He only then noticed my presence. He looked to me and his eyes lit up.

"Well hello dear, I noticed you in the crowd cheering your little head off." Garry said with a smile, "Are you here as a supportive girlfriend or a tag along supporter?"

I heard Archer clear his throat from the corner that he was standing in, as I looked over to see him shuffle around with his head down.

"Hello, sir. Um, no. I'm a supportive tag along. My name is Aurora." I said awkwardly with a small smile, as I held out my hand for him to shake.

He took it, and clasped his other hand over it as well.

"My mistake. I can only hope a girl as lovely as yourself would take one of these moronic boys." He said glancing playfully at the boys. They held their hearts with their hands, acting wounded, causing me to giggle.

"Nice to meet you, Aurora," he said smiling. "Please call me Garry, 'Sir' makes me feel old." Garry was chuckling to himself.

"Yes, of course. Garry." I said nodding my head.

"Well boys, it was nice seeing you. And you too, Aurora." Garry said with a smile. "I have to be off, money collecting time." He laughed rubbing his hands together.

"Bye Gar." I heard Archer say, as Garry made his way out.

"Be ready to train for next week's win, kid." Garry declared as he left.

"He's nice." I giggled out after he left.

"He's the best." Archer stated as he made his way over to our side of the room.

"Oh my word, Your face." I gasped, with my hands now covering my mouth. how did I not notice the extents if his wounds before? He had three cuts, one on his eyebrow, one by his lip and another on his nose. A bruise was already forming near his eye.

"That's barely a scratch, Aurora. You should've seen him after Ben." Devin cringed at the, clearly gruesome, memory.

"Chill, Aurora. It'll barley be noticeable by Monday, when we have to be at school." Archer said chuckling. "The bruise will be in its last stage of healing and the cuts will be as noticeable as a paper cut."

Her Strength, His WeaknessTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang