• Chapter Fourteen •

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Sorry to interrupt your reading, but I just wanted to say one more thanks to those of you who have left your comments and voted on the story so far.

I appreciate you all❤️



I had a long night of lying awake and replaying every single detail of what happened between Archer an myself.

He actually kissed me.

I eventually fell into a dreamless sleep, but was woken up at the ungodly hour of five O'clock in the morning by Caitlyn's impatience.

The worst part of a sleep over is the morning. It's boring if you're the first one awake, but if you're not then you're being watched.

"I can't sit around anymore, bored out of my mind, while you continue to sleep." She said sitting next to me.

"Not cool." I said shoving my head back into my pillow.

She poked me, but when she realized that poking me wasn't going to work she began flipping me over. I knew that it would lead to her rolling me off the bed, so I shot straight up. "Okay, Okay. I'm up." I said rubbing my eyes and letting out a sigh.


"Why are you up so early?"

"My mom phoned me to tell me that she's picking me up at ten." She explained.

I nodded at her response.

"Did I miss anything after I fell asleep last night?" She asked.

"No. We all basically fell asleep somewhere while watching the last movie."

"Makes sense. That was a boring ass movie." She said. "Thanks Devin."

I took a moment to consider whether or not to tell Caitlyn about what happened last night. She deserved to know, right? She's my best friend.

"Something did happen, but after everyone had left and after you went to bed." I said unsure of how to approach the situation.

She looked at me wide eyed and raised her eyebrows. "Go on..." she insisted,optioning her hand to encourage me.

I fiddled with my hands and bit my lip at the memory. "So... Archer kissed me."

She was silent for a very long time keeping a serious face, but eventually let out a small scream, "Ahh, Yes!" She smiled widely.

"And he admitted his feelings for me." I added, "I told him how I felt too." Dah.

"I'm so happy right now, honestly." She said standing up and pacing the room. "I called it, Cody owes me money." What? I laughed at that.

"I can't believe it." I said honestly.

She looked at me, her face turning serious again, "I wonder what happens now?" She asked.

"Me too. We're both aware of our feelings, so I guess we'll see where it goes." I honestly have no idea where we stand. I've never known Archer to be the 'boyfriend type', but who knows.

"I ship it." She said. I smiled at her.

Me too.

It's Monday morning, which means that today will be the first day that I see Archer after we had our 'moment'.

To say that I'm nervous is the understatement of the century. I'm loosing my mind.

What if he's awkward and doesn't want to talk to me ever again? What if he ditches me, because he got what he came for? Not that I think Archer is like that, but who am I to say.

Her Strength, His WeaknessOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora