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"HOW THE FUCK YOU LOST ALL ONE FUCKING MILLION DOLLAR" i yelled to some of the works over at the trap. Mann these dumb ass persons lost all fucking 1 million dollar how ?i don't fucking know.

"If my million dollars don't come back by the end of this month im shooting out all you people brains "i told them walking out the to go over to my car.

I was pissed the FUCK off ,all my damn money gone and if i don't get it back thats someone's head .

Person gone be headless .

I was snapped out off my thoughts by my phone ringing, picking it up the caller id was A .

"Wassup?"i asked looking at the road.

"They shot gunz mann" A said angrily.

"The fuck you mean they shot gunz ,the nigga name is gunz how the fuck! ?"i asked in a jokingly manner.

"I mean THEY SHOT GUNZ we at the W.S hospital hurry up"he said hanging up.

I did a quick U turn and speed straight down getting on the highway going to the hospital.

Once i was there i asked the lady at the front desk where he was.

"What room is kevon Simpson in?"i asked here .she looked  me up and down then started to talk all sexy with me.

Really wasn't having it for one i have naya and for second my nigga in the fucking hospital!

"Look do your fucking job and tell me the room number" i told her angrily. She looked at me liked she had an attitude but ion care.

"He is in room 235 but no one is able to see him!"she said rolling her eyes . walking off going into the elvator i pressed in the number.

Once i was on the floor ,i stepped out looking around the hall, i saw naya them so i went over.

"What happened?"I asked  through gritted teeth .

"We was all on our way to the park and this black bmw popped up and start shooting right at us!"spade said pissed.

"You seen who them was?"i asked.

"It looked like they was that nigga dudes "A answered not saying the person name.

I looked over to naya and she was just there ,still . walking over here i sat beside her hugging up,while sje layed her head on my shoulders.

That nigga gone pay, don't he have enough pain to mourn from already well since thats the case bring it on nigga.

"Wanna get outta here?"i asked naya looking at her, she just nodded her head in a yes motion.

"You drive over here?"i asked her and she shook her head no.

Grabbing her hand and getting up,"we gone head out,call them if anything "i told them.

Third person view~

That was just a warning he thought to him self drinking his water.

"Next will be someone closer"he said to no one in particular.


Naya pov.

It's not safe here,first they shot at me them nigga dead then someone shot at gunz,like they sending some sort of warning i don't know to who tho.

Looking over on the bed tryone was sleeping peacefully. I wad about to go to sleep myself when i heard the front door being knoced on.

Getting up and walking down to see who it was ,i looked through the peep hole and i didn't see no one so who the fuck knocked then. Opening the door i looked around to see if nobody was around but it was just people who lives here on by the block.

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