17. It's time for the first step for revenge

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Orion's POV

After all that show, Delphinium guide us to a table.....

Welp, this is bad...

Why you ask?

You should know in this table, there's all the princes....

Is it that bad?

Yes, it's that bad. I don't want anyone trying to chasing my virgin ass.

But if it's girl, i think i'll let it be but nooooooo. This is the princes. As a op character in this book, i know what the fuck that virgin ass author trying to do to me now! (Uh, no you don't know.....)

Anyway, if there will be any prince trying to get my ass, i'll kill you author. (You can't kill nor stop me, i'm invisible!)

Cabal: "Oh, good evening, Lord Yodai. I heard there's commotion in the ball room involved you and family Broockstein. Are you okay?" Cabal said with a genuine smile with worry and.... rage? in his eyes i think. But why is he mad?

Orion: "Yes indeed, prince Cabal. But it's fine now." I reply with smile too.

Cabal: "Oh lord Yodai, you don't have to call us with our tittle. We're classmates, no?" The first prince said with a threatening smile.

Delphinium: "Brother, i told him that too but he won't listen." She said with a pout.

Humil: "Lord Yodai, you can call us with our name. Don't use any honorifics or title, don't be shy." The youngest prince said with a smile... that smile is kinda scary if i say so myself.

Do i have to call them casually? Well, they are my classmates but we not even that close. They're a royalities while i'm just a commoner, we're in different world and from different world. They're from here while i'm from.... my own world. But that smile doesn't seems want to hear a no as answer....

Orion: "Well, if you said so, Humil."

Humil: "See? Isn't that easy. That means we can call you Orion, can we?" He said... still with that smile.

Orion: "Yes, of course you all can."

Hydra: "Then, have a sit, Orion. Let's sit together." The second prince said while patting on a seat beside him. He's... kinda childish, seriously.

Natsu: "Eh, aren't you just too unfair, Hydra. He should sit beside me." The third prince complaint.

Humil: "Brothers, i don't think he wants to sit with all of you. He will sit beside me. Also, you guys have a intimidate aura so he'll feel uncomfortable if he did sit beside one of you." Humil said with straight face as if what he said is a matter of fact. I kinda agree with him but.... isn't he the one that talking?

Cabal: "Humil, you're one to talk. You should know you're the youngest out of all of use but you also the one that has the biggest body and the most mature face. Orion will feel more uncomfortable to sit beside you."

Ladies and gentleman, they start their argument who seat beside me. I knew this will happen. Just based on my looks and all those succesful event happen to me, everybody knows i'm the 'protagonist' now, only a fool doesn't realise that.

Delphinium: "BROTHER!!" She shouted. Then the rooms become quiet and the ballroom that once full of chattering is now quiet.

Delphinium: *Cough cough* "I apologize that i raised my voice just now,  you can continue." She said to the audience in the ballroom with a closed-eyes smile.

After that, the ballroom become loud again as if what happen just now is just a illusion. A royality is strong eh, no one can complain about them.

Then Delphinium turn her attention to her brother again.

Villain To Protagonist | NEED TO BE REWRITE! | First VersionWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu