In the house

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-Elizabeth's POV-

I got pinned to the wall. I tried to ask what he was doing but couldn't. I got so surprised by what he did. He kissed me! Just like that. First I couldn't believe what just happened, then I melt in the kiss. It was so soft. Then be stopped. We both gasped for air.

"W-why?" I asked. He just looked at me, then leaned to my neck. I got a little scared of what he was about to do. Then I felt a little pain. I got very tired and fell. The last I remember was that Meliodas catched me. Then everything went black.

-Meliodas POV-

When Elizabeth passed out I catched her and took her to the bed.

"Sleep well, Elizabeth." I said to her, knowing she couldn't hear me. I sat down and took Elizabeth's phone. I got in in the phone, got in on contacts and on the contact 'father'. Then I started text him.

"I am staying with a friend tonight." I wrote.

"Okay sweetie." The text I got back said. I laid the phone on a table beside the bed. I got downstairs, outside and started walk to a pizzeria.

-Ban's POV-

I, Diane and King was on a pizzeria and eat pizza. We talked about what Diane and King saw after school. We was waiting on Merlin, Escanor and Gowther too. Then I saw Meliodas coming here.

"Sure it was Meliodas? He is coming here!" I said to King and Diane that had their backs to him. They looked at him when he got in the pizzeria and then looked back at me.

"Why are he here?" King asked.

"I don't know." Diane said.

"I wonder where Elizabeth is." Diane King said.

"I hope she is okay." Diane said.

"You probably saw someone who look like Meliodas with Elizabeth." I said, they started look at me seriously.

"Okay, okay, I understand, it was him and no one else." I said. Then three chairs got pulled out. It was Gowther, Escanor and Merlin that had come.

"So, what were you talking about?" Merlin asked.

"It was about Eliza..." Diane stopped her sentence when the door to the pizzeria opened and Meliodas walked out. He had two pizzas with him and started walk to the same direction he came from. We all just looked at him in silence when he walked.

"You know, I want a pizza, anyone else?" Merlin asked.

"Yes!" I said.

"You already eat one!" King said.

"Who cares." I said. I, Merlin, Escanor and Gowther got inside and got pizzas.

-Elizabeth's POV-

I woke up with Meliodas staring at me. I got surprised and accidentally jumped off bed. Meliodas catched me in the last second and placed me on the bed. Then he placed a pizza box infront of me. I opened it and saw my favourite pizza.

"T-thank y-you, b-but how did you...?" I stuttered and got cut of by Meliodas.

"It's a secret, just eat now." He answered. I started eating my pizza, but then I started to feel a little thirsty.

"Thirsty? Here you have." He said and gave me a glass with coca cola in it. I took it and drank a little of it.

After some minutes, I was done eating. Meliodas took the pizza box and the glass and got down with it. I got up from the bed and got downstairs. There I saw Meliodas in the kitchen. He looked at me and walked to me.

"I-I should go home, m-my f-father is pro..." I started.

"No need. He knows you are here." Meliodas told me. I looked confused at him and he got closer to me. Then he suddenly grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch.

"What movie will you see?" He asked me. I just looked at him more confused.

"Well?" He asked. I could just stare at him.

"Then I will decide." He said pulling me closer to him. He took his phone and chrome casted to the TV. It was some movie called "Freddy Krueger". (Recomend that movie to you that like horror movies) It was really scary. I didn't watch the movie because I was too scared. Meliodas noticed it when about the half movie had was done. He stopped the movie and hugged me. I felt safe in his arms after that movie. He hugged me tighter when I began to cry. He comforted me. Then I fell asleep in his arms.

-The next morning-

I woke up in the bed in the house on the morning. I sat up and the first thing I see is Meliodas sleeping behind me. I got down to the kitchen and eat breakfast. Then I heard footsteps coming down. After some seconds I saw Meliodas infront of me. He took some breakfast himself and sat down behind me.

"M-mornig" I said.

"Morning Elizabeth." He said. Then he moved my hair from my neck. He looked at my neck and smiled. Then he continued eating. I was done then and got upstairs to get ready for school.

I walked in in the bathroom to brunch my teeth and hair. When I brunched my hair I saw something glowing on my neck. I stopped brushing and looked at what it was. Then I saw it was Meliodas demon mark he has on his forehead, but without the little ball in the middle.

"What the...?" I asked myself. I got ready for school and then Meliodas and I started walk there.

-At the school-

I saw the sins at the school and started walking there. Meliodas got somewhere else.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Hi Elizabeth." Diane said. The school bell rang and everyone needed to go to their classes. I knew Diane and I was in the same class, but I didn't know the others was too. We walked to class all of us together.

In the classroom, we don't have own desks like in my other school, so we could sit beside the one we feel to sit beside. I got to sit beside a window like yesterday. Diane sat beside me today. The sins sat infront of us, behind Diane or at the back of us.

I and Diane talked for a little while before Meliodas come in the room. He walked to where Diane sat and stood in front of her.

"You are on my seat." Meliodas said. Everyone in the room turned around to look at him and Diane.

"I'm not moving." Diane said.

"You are moving!" Meliodas said.

"No." Diane said. Every sin watched close if something happened. They was ready to help Diane.

"Fine." Meliodas said, everyone was surprised and shocked that he didn't beat her up. He started walking to me and took me to another seat beside a window. Then he sat down beside me. Diane suddenly stood up and walked to Meliodas, the sins followed for her safety.

"What do you think you are doing?!" Diane said harsh to Meliodas.

"Took another seat, now leave. " He told Diane.

"Come here Elizabeth." Diane said and took my hand. As she did that Meliodas blocked the way, so I couldn't leave.

"You, you! I can't believe you! Just leave Elizabeth alone!" Diane said really angry.

"No, do it yourself." Meliodas said. Diane got more angry meanwhile the sins held her back. She struggled to get out of the grip. King suddenly used his magic to make me fly. I was about to fly away when Meliodas grabbed me and pulled me down to sit on his lap. Then the teacher come in. The sins got to their seats while I still sat with Meliodas.

When the first period was over I got out from the classroom. Meliodas followed me everywhere but in distance. I could still hang out with the sins on lunch and the breaks, Meliodas always sat beside me in the classroom.

When the school day was over, I walked with the sins. Meliodas come, took my hand and was about to pull me with him when Diane took my other hand. The two held in my hands pulled me at their directions.

"Where are you going with Elizabeth?!" Diane asked angry and I froze.

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