Chapter 7

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Garu's POV


Roaming through the streets I saw couples walking hand in hand.

Seeing them makes my life single pringle though. I laugh at the though and rolled my eyes at that stupid remark.

"Garuuu!!" Abyo called loudly, catching my attention. He came up to me with Ching holding his hand.

"You going to the Valentines day Festival later on" Abyo asked

I shrug cause I dont know whether to go or not. Romance isn't my thing though and I dont have someone to share this day with. Not like I plan to or anything.

"Oooohhh maybe Pucca will give you chocolates again like always" Ching teased me and I just nothing.

'Your not so sure about that Ching' I said to myself.

So they dragged me to the event place where giving out chocolates to your special someone is held.

Sitting here in the front row. I feel edgy on how one by one are giving out their chocolates before Pucca. Actually she's here and she looks at the couples with a blank expression. How odd there's no love beaming out of her. I know she really looked forward on special occasions like this.

Ching and Abyo got there limelight of romance. I chuckled at them, how sweet can they be.. I guess love hits your happiness different. They got a different kind of glow when it comes to that feeling. Somewhere in me want to feel it too.

It was now Pucca's turn and I start to throb knowing I will be next to receive the chocolate..

Then Pucca came to the front and they start to announce who it is.

"Okay, now from Pucca.. ohh we obviously know who she will be giving this and itsssss--- Us! ....Her Uncles" Dumpling said shockingly and eyed at me like trying to imply on what the heck is happening between us.

"Well this is a new one" Linguini and Ho said as they looked at each other.

I was about to stand up when I knew--- I mean thought that Pucca was gonna give it to me, but it was for her Uncles.

Ehe I'm an idiot for expecting that it was for me *slapping my head

"Pucca? Not that it was a bad thing that the chocolate was for us.. because why not Garu? It was always for him" Ho said

I was waiting for her answer anxiously and curiously on why it wasn't me.

She shook her head and point at the chocolate then me

"You mean you dont want garu as your Valentine anymore" Dumpling said unsurely and Pucca nod in return

Then she bid her uncles goodbye, for she reasoned out that she got somewhere to be.

I saw her run off and everyone was looking at me. Gossiping about what happened.

"Dont worry about her Garu. I got you some chocolates too, so dont mind that brats gift. She's not worth it.." Ring Ring said mockingly and gave me her chocolates

I took it, so I wouldn't be rude. Then something popped in my mind. The memory of me rejecting all Pucca's chocolates and gifts.

I scoffed at the thought that I'm not worthy to say I shouldn't be rude to someone giving gifts and effort, when all in all I did that to Pucca.

I heaved from all the guilt and regret right now.. I speed off into town to get away despite my tears starting to flood my eyes

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