Chapter 18

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Evan's POV

It has now been a week since the last time I saw Liz in the hospital. I can still hear her screaming for me to get out of the room. Her shouts keep playing over and over in my head and it makes me feel bad. To her, I am probably the worst thing that has ever happened in her life. I was so caught up in my head and my world that I didn't know how much I was hurting her. I hurt her to the extent of her losing her baby, our baby. I did all I wanted to do and never did I ever stop to think of her and how she was feeling. She keeps talking about divorce but I just cannot lose her. She is way more important to me that I can't let her go.

Here I am sitting in my living room early in the morning already drinking. My daughter doesn't even talk to me, all she is doing was that she hated me so much because I was the reason her mother was not home. They say the truth hurts, but that killed me. She was right, and that was the moment I realized that I have lost my wife and my daughter. Laura is too young yet too smart and very much evil.

That part she takes after her mother. Since Liz is no longer here, she won't even let me drop her at school, she would rather take the bus. When she has homework in which she needs help with she would video call, Liz, making sure she locks herself in her room so I don't see her. My daughter can be evil. She would make pancakes in the morning, which is the only thing she knows how to do well, and come eat them in front of me and tell I won't be getting any because I know what I did. She was making me pay any chance she gets.

The doorbell rings and I have to admit that a large, let me say a huge part of me wishes it was Liz at the door, but I know she has the key so she won't ring the bell. I stood up to go open but Laura beat me to it. "Uncle Nathan!" I hear her say. I never thought I would ever see him in my house ever since I didn't show up for dinner at his house. He is not angry that I didn't show up, he was pissed that I did not show up for Liz's sake. I am sure he is so happy I am going through what I am going through right now.

"Hi, Evan. We heard what happened. Where is Liz?" Annie said and sat down opposite me. Before I could answer, I felt so ashamed to even mention that I didn't know where my wife was. Erastus knows where she is, he took Laura to her yesterday but I am the only one that doesn't know where she is. I am sure she asked them not to tell me.
"Mom is somewhere safe. She doesn't want dad to know where she is." Laura replied bluntly. She just had to say it like that, didn't she? My daughter is just something else. "I am not surprised. Your father is an a**hole." Nathan said with a sneer. I knew he was happy with what's going on. "Don't use that language in front of my daughter. She is 12 for goodness sake!" I said.

Annie went up with Laura, and her pregnancy is not showing yet. She looked happy, and I thought of how Liz felt back then. I destroyed her every happy moment and maybe I do deserve what is going on. "Your daughter, the very same one that you left with Liz for all those months without even thinking twice? Please. How are you anyway?" he asked. He was trying to be good but I know there was blame in his tone. "What do you think? I am drinking beer at 10 am, so my life is great." I said.

"I'd sympathize with you but you are here because you brought yourself here. I know I am your friend, but you deserve everything you are going through right now. Did you even try finding Liz?" he asked. I took another beer and opened it. "Of course I did, the only person who knows where she is is Erastus and he is the last person who would tell me where she is. I tried calling her but my calls are sent straight to voice mail. At least now I know how it feels to be sent to voice mails. I left her tons of messages but she didn't respond to any. I don't know what else to do." I said.

"And if she picked up, what would you have told her? That you are sorry? Trust me, with what she is going through right now, you will just make her feel worse." he said looking at me with that look. The look you give someone when you want to kill them or give them a beating, I know it well because it is the one I have been receiving from my daughter recently. "I don't know. I do owe her an apology at least." I said shrugging.

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