Chapter 29

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It was midnight when we arrived at the airport in London. Laura was asleep most of the time and I was working on the document my assistant sent to me a few days ago. I have to be up to speed with everything when I go to work tomorrow. Or today to be exact. Harry and Lee came to pick us up from the airport. Hugs were exchanged and we all got into the car. Laura slept the moment she sat in the car, even I was tired and I have to go to work at 9 in the morning.

We got to our apartment building and Harry and I carried the luggage while Lee carried Laura. I left the key with Layla and Harry said he left Layla in the house.
Cole and Will were also in the house. I was really tired but they were already here so I sat with them, talked about this and that for half an hour and finally went to bed.

My alarm woke me up the following day and luckily, I wasn't that tired. I guess 5 hours of sleep was enough and all I will need is a cup of coffee to get me through the morning. I took a shower and got ready for work. Today felt like my first day of work, I had a bad feeling about something and I was anxious. I went to check if Laura was awake, but the phone ringing stopped me. It was an unknown number.
"Hello," I said picking up.

"Hey Liz, it's me. How are you?" Erastus said.

"Yes, I am good. Just about to leave for work. You good?" I asked.

"Yes, we are all good. Just enjoying ourselves," he replied.

"Where are you guys anyway?" I asked.

"Venice. Beautiful city, you have to come here sometime Liz," he said.

"Sure. I don't think that was the reason you called me. What's up?" I asked.

"Oh right. I heard you asked Katie to find you a house for when you return. So, why don't you just buy my house?" he asked.

"I didn't know you were selling any house. The one you live in or the beach house?" I asked.

"The beach house. Rose doesn't see its use and suggested we sell it and buy another one just in a smaller town where we can get away and just enjoy our peace," he said.

"Okay. I love that house, but can I think it over?" I asked.

"Sure. Plus I might give you a discount because you are a friend," he said.

"I will appreciate it very much, but for someone who lives alone, I just feel like a house with a master bedroom and three guest rooms is way too big." I tried to reason with him.

"Maybe, but it's not like you are going to be alone forever. You are going to meet someone and live your life again. You will fall in love again." he said.

"Yeah? I am not sure about that, plus I am getting older." I said.

"Or maybe you are just scared of going out there 100% because you afraid of getting hurt and disappointed again. You told me you went on a couple of dates last year but I know you, Liz, I am sure you were closed off," he said.

"I am not scared, Erastus. I just... I don't know." I said. I had no reason to defend myself because he was a bit right but I can't tell him that, he will get a big head.

"I get you, Liz, you once lowered your guard and it ended terribly but you can try and lower it again. Just don't test the depth of the water with both feet this time," he said.

"I got it, loud and clear. Now I will get back to you when I decide. For now, I have to check on Laura before I go to bed. Greet Rose for me." I said.

"Will do. Have a good day at work. Bye." he said and hung up.

I found Laura cooking with Lee in the kitchen. As to why Lee was at my house so early in the morning, I have no idea.

"Good morning," I said seating on one of the stools.

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