Chapter 26

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Liz's POV

I woke up around 6 am the next day. I had to go for my morning jog before I start my day, that's my routine. I put on my sports gear and exited my room. Erastus was in the kitchen cooking breakfast, no idea who if he is meeting Rose for breakfast. I gave him a questioning stare and he put his hands up immediately.

"Look, I am hungry, and I know if I don't eat right now, I will not eat when I meet up with her because I will be too nervous. So please don't give me that look," he said.

"I didn't say anything. See you and all the best. Remember, tell her the truth." I said leaving the house towards the beach. I love running on the beach, the cool air, and just the feeling of running on sand. Running on the beach feels like it's never-ending like you go wherever your legs take you.

By the time I return, Erastus has already left. I took a long shower put on a simple dress, very little make-up, and stilettos. I had a conference call with the board, then I will have to meet up with Laura for lunch. I also have to give Rose a call so we talked about changing a few things in that hall. I hope after their talk with Erastus she will be easy to reason with.

I sat in front of my computer patiently waiting for it to be 8 o'clock so I get this meeting over with. Lucky for me it didn't take up much of my time. It was still early for my lunch meeting with Laura so I decided to go for a drive. I checked through the window into the driveway after looking for my car key everywhere. Of course, the driveway was empty. Erastus took my car. I tried to call him but he wasn't picking up. So now I am just stuck at home waiting for him to return? If he returns of course. No way. I took a cab to his house. He always had a spare key outside his house and he once told me where he keeps it so I didn't even have to look. I went inside his house and looked at the door, where he keeps his car keys. Only the key to the Range Rover was there, but the Porsche wasn't. That was a bit disappointing but not surprising. The way Erastus loves his Porsche, you will not understand and if I were to take it, I would give him a heart attack.

I took the key of the Rover and went to the garage and started the car.

Me: Took your ride 🤷‍♀️.

I sent him a text, but he didn't reply, just like he has been ignoring my texts about my car the whole morning. I drove to pick up Laura and I knew very well Evan was not at home. The house was still the same as I remembered but I did not feel too good being here. It's been over a year now but just seeing it brings back too many memories. I remember when Evan and I entered this house for the first time, it was immediately after our honeymoon in Hawaii and then Bali. We bought it together but he decided to keep it a secret as to which house he bought until then. I loved this house. First, we had it all to ourselves then Laura came along. We had so many dates even after the wedding and sometimes with Nathan and Annie. Or how he would get angry because I would bail on lunch with him so I have lunch with Erastus, but one thing I always liked about him is that he never stayed angry for long. Whatever happened to that sweet and romantic man I got married to.

When I got married, I felt like I hit the jackpot, that I was the luckiest girl that I got myself a dream guy. You know those types of partners you only dream of having and you don't believe they exist? Yes, those. I got to believe for a while that they do exist until one day I woke up and I did not even recognize the person standing in front of me. Sometimes I wonder if he was just pretending, but I doubt someone can keep up an act for that long. It's not like there was something he got out of being married to me that he had to pretend. I thought I found my always but life had other plans for me.

What would have happened if I didn't ask for a divorce? If I decided to be strong and just sit at home waiting for him to finally grow up and come back home? Well, I have no answers to that because I don't settle. I always choose myself and some people call it being selfish but I don't agree with them. Sometimes people need to prioritize us the way we prioritize them, especially when the feelings are mutual. I prefer someone meeting me halfway in everything, could it be financially or emotionally.

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