🧡Class Party🧡

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Kaede looked angry and sad when they kissed, but just ignored it and rolled her eyes.

"It was your idea to escape in the first place silly." Shuichi said turning the car on.

"But you made it a reality" Kokichi and Shuichi were probably going to celebrate once home.

"We should ask the class if they wanna celebrate at my place.!" Shuichi said happily.

"Yeah! That sounds fun" he nodded, smiling.

Shuichi then went back to where everyone else was standing and gave them all individual phones so they could contact him and just to have phones.

Once he told everyone about his party he got in his car and drove them off to his house.

Shuichi then got out of the car and everyone else followed.

"This is your house Shuichi?" Kaede said excitingly.

Shuichi looked really uncomfortable at the remark and nodded, while Kiibo and Rantaro were silent.

Kokichi was holding his beloved's hand, as they went inside.

"Wow Shuichi your home is very cool." Rantaro said nicely.

Rantaro was Kokichi and Kiibo's best friend since kindergarten but of course he hadn't remembered anything yet.

And a bunch of people got along with Rantaro because of his cool vibes, he was an honest chill person.

"Ah thank you Rantaro!" Shuichi said smiling. He knew that he still hadn't remembered his past with Kokichi and felt bad that Kiibo didn't ether.

once everyone got settled in Shuichi was waiting for the party, chilling with Kokichi in their room.

Shuichi started to kiss Kokichi deeply. "I love you Kokichi..."

Kokichi kissed back "I love you too, Shumai.."

Shuichi then held Kokichi's hands and hugged him tightly.

Kokichi hugged back,smiling "After our party did you want to do anything else?'

"Maybe I do~ Maybe I don't~ It really depends how drunk I'll be." Shuichi said laughing and started to play tackle Kokichi on the bed.

Kokichi chuckled, placing his hands on Shuichi's shoulders "We'll probably both be drunk"

Shuichi laughed a bit, wrapping his hands behind Kokichi's back "you're probably right my sunflower~"

"I'll make sure one of us is at least slightly tipsy for the others sake.." Kokichi kissed Shuichi again.

"Fine." Shuichi said pouting.

Shuichi then heard the door bell ring, so he ran downstairs but, before he could open the door, Kiibo opened it for him.

Kokichi lied about that, they were probably going to be drunk as fuck.

There stood all of the danganronpaV3 cast except for Tsumugi of course. Then Shuichi happily gestured them all into his mansion.

they all were in normal clothing, the party had started and the night was still young.

They were all drinking by the time that Kaede and everyone else were drunk.

Kaede then walked up Kaede drunkly talking to him while Kokichi was preoccupied making friends with the cast.

They were all about drunk, but Shuichi wasn't too drunk yet.
Kokichi was chatting away with keebs and Kirumi.

Kaede then put her leg up to Shuichi's area from his pants.

Shuichi suddenly backed away but she kept getting closer and closer.

"Why do you keep backing away, hot stuff?" Kaede was drunk, as she kept walking up to Shuichi.

"G-get away Kaede! I don't like you, and I never will!" Shuichi just kept backing up , until he hit his back to a wall. He was now trapped..

"Come on.. why don't you wanna talk..?" Kaede heard the words, being slightly hurt.

Shuichi looked like he was going to cry, then Kaede pressed her body on his and tried leaning in for a kiss.

Shuichi then pushed her away, running to find Kokichi.

Shuichi suddenly spotted Kokichi and hugged him tightly.

Kokichi felt his tight hug from behind "Huh- oh hi shumai!" Kokichi was very drunk.

"H-have you've been drinking too?!" Shuichi sounded worried, about how drunk Kokichi was.

"Yeah- Don't worry I'm not that drunk..." Kokichi smiled.

Shuichi could tell that he was lying, and just hugged Kokichi tightly, and then left him, to continue attempting to befriend Maki.

Maki wasn't drunk, watching Kaito, the ultimate himbo just ramble about space.

Shuichi then walked to his room and, sat down laying on his bed, thinking about what happened with Kaede...

He wasn't interested in her at all! He just wanted Kokichi.. Maybe celebrate a little more with him..

Shuichi then headed back downstairs to see everyone playing spin the bottle. "Shuichi you should join us.!" Rantaro said happily.

"N-no thanks I'll just watch." Shuichi said uncomfortably.

Kokichi was sitting out of it though, just watching them be dumb.

Shuichi then sat next to Kokichi, and took a drink of alcohol.

He could tell that Kokichi was drunk so maybe he wouldn't mind if he drank himself.

Kokichi looked over at Shuichi "Hey Shumai, I see you decided to join us"

"Y-yeah..." Shuichi took another shot of alcohol and then looked at Kokichi flustered.

Kokichi smiled, giving him a small kiss.

Shuichi had a habit of drinking out of hand, but never got abusive.

Shuichi drank 3 more shots, and started to get even more drunk.

Kokichi and Shuichi weren't even paying attention to the spin the bottle game now, just each other.

Kokichi had moved, sitting on Shuichi's lap as they slowly kissed.

Shuichi then moved his hand up and down Shuichi's leg. Still kissing Kokichi, Shuichi started to make out with Kokichi as the others were still playing the game.

Kokichi had wrapped his arms around Shuichi's neck, he knew what Shuichi wanted.

Kaede then got up and pushed Kokichi.

"ShUIcHI WHaT ThE HeLL maN YOuRE mInE." Kaede said drunkly.

Kokichi and Shuichi's lips parted from each other, he looked up at Kaede "back off whore"

Kaede then slapped Kokichi. And Shuichi was pissed off by then.

Kokichi put his hand on his cheek, the pain rushing to his cheek. "o-ow..!"

"KAEDE WHAT THE FUCK!?" Shuichi punched Kaede's stomach making her run to the restroom to throw up.

Kokichi held his cheek in his hand, people looking over at Shuichi them because of Shuichi's yelling.

Shuichi then carried Kokichi up to their room and the party continued normally with everyone else partying.

Kokichi looked up at Shuichi "are you okay, Saihara-chan..?"

With anger and sadness Shuichi hugged Kokichi tightly. "I'm sorry.." Shuichi said crying as he hugged Kokichi.

"It's-    it's okay.." Kokichi hugged back, burying his face against Shuichi's shoulder.

"Kokichi I love you! I love you so so much! Please never leave me.." Shuichi was still crying as he was hugging Kokichi.

"I won't leave you, I love you too darling.." Kokichi hugged Shuichi a bit tighter

Shuichi pinned Kokichi onto the bed. "Be mine my love.."

Let's escape together//Oumasai//SaioumaWhere stories live. Discover now