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Stephanie couldn't help herself and kissed Talon once she was in his arms. She never wanted to stop and he didn't want her to either. They both forgot that they aren't in private until Stephanie hears a few giggles from some of the females that are there. Then she reluctantly pulls back. She never notices the glares some of the females are sending her way.

Stephanie doesn't see them, but Jet and Ethan do and once Talon is able to pull his eyes off of Stephanie he does too. He and the other boys narrow their eyes at those that are sending dagger looks her way. 

Jet and Ethan go over to the other two and welcome him back as well. Jet lets Talon know that Stephanie had been very worried about him while he was gone. Then not using the link he gets Talon up to date on Cassie and her situation.

Tracey is very interested in hearing that and so listens in without shame to that part of their talk.

"So how did things go at the hell lab?" Stephanie demands, more than a little irritated that the others are talking about what she already knows and not what she was most interested in. She is already anxiously looking over Talon to make sure that he wasn't hurt.

Talon looks down at her and smiles. "I'm fine, Stephanie. I wasn't even hurt. The other supernaturals did most of the work. I pretty much just did the erasing of the lab from the face of the earth." Talon gets a decidedly dark and vicious look when he says this.

Stephanie looks at him and narrows her eyes, "What happened? And Talon, don't brush me off. I want you to tell me the truth."

"He didn't do anything other than erase the existence of the lab. It's what I did, that he doesn't want you to know." Tracey interjects before Stephanie can say anything. Tracey wonders just how smart that was when she turns her gimlet stare onto him and looks at him like she wants to dissect him.

"What did you do that he doesn't want to tell me?" Stephanie repeats and waits for Tracey to answer with her arms crossed and foot tapping showing her impatience. Her eyes narrow even further and Tracey swallows remembering Talon's words earlier.

"The girl, Cassie, I believe is the name you said she chose?" Tracey waits for Stephanie to nod her head impatiently before continuing. "Well, her parents decided to come to work today. I had them treated like they treated their daughter. That is until it was time to go. Then I had all the supernaturals that were helping out leave and the parents were still living when Talon finished erasing the facility."

Stephanie fights the smile that wants to take place on her face as she once more turns her attention to Talon, "Just how did you erase the facility from the earth?"

Talon tries to look as innocent as he can as he replies to Stephanie's demand. "There was a reservoir of water not too far below the basement of the facility. I had the earth open up and swallow the facility as the water came to take it's place on the surface of the earth. Then I had plants grow up around the new lake. It is quite deep actually, more than twenty feet I do believe. And very cold. It is unlikely that the dead bodies will rise any time soon." With that Talon allows the smirk come onto his face that he was fighting before.

Stephanie is downright thrilled with how Cassie's family was dealt with. "Lovely. Perfect guys. But why would you want to hide this from me?"

Tracey looks at Stephanie in shock. "I thought you would be upset with them being alive as they are drowned in the building and of course the punishment they went through before hand as well."

Stephanie snorts, "Not likely. I sent my own family to jail. If you don't believe me, ask them."

Tracey looks at the three witches at Stephanie's side and they nod solemnly at her words. 

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