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Stephanie looks from the tree towards the incoming storm. Using the binoculars she keeps tabs on the cell that is being created. She smiles as the funnel is formed. She had done her homework, there is little that will be harmed along the path of the storm. Unfortunately there are some fields and a few homes that might be damaged from the storm, but there is nothing she can do about that. Compared to what the supers have suffered while in the tender care of the government, they are getting off light.

"The funnel is formed and about to touch down," Stephanie calls down to her consorts.

Talon nods, although he knows that Stephanie won't see it since she is focusing on the storm. Now more than ever she needs to focus on it, but he sees no sign of strain or stress on her doing so.

Talon waits anxiously for the lightening to start up. The strikes will be wild. Stephanie can only guarantee that they won't strike where they are waiting. That's why all five of them, are waiting for Stephanie to give the word.

Talon had already created the tunnels that their forces are waiting in. Many of them not comfortable being in the confined underground space. They liked their odds against the lightening and tornado even less when given the choice.

Soon thunder cracks over head and lightning splits the sky. Hail flings itself down and they are glad that the trees provide some protection. Ethan and Jet do their best to protect them as well. Stephanie never removes her attention from the tornado, even as she has the lightening start striking closer and closer to the facility.

Jet maintains his watch on the facility and helps the best he can direct the lightening so Stephanie can focus on the tornado. He smiles victoriously when multiple strikes hit not just the fence, but the facility itself. Immediately lights go out, but not long after lights go back on, Jet cursed fluidly at this.

Stephanie calms him by talking through his mental link. "It has always been a possibility. I had planned for it."

The lightening hadn't left and so Jet continues to direct it and is once more smug as the plasma hit the fence and this time a couple of the watch towers.

There is frantic calling and a great deal of distress heard above the sound of the incoming storm.

They can only hope that they guards are running for safety as they finally notice the tornado heading their way.

The sound of the cyclone is heard even above that of the thunder. By now even those on the ground are able to see the massive twister. They stare in awe as the base twists itself closer to the facility.

Jet and Ethan work together to place a shield of dead air between the cyclone and the small group. 

Stephanie urges the tornado to hit the wall and it does and goes further, all the way to the facility tearing way with ease the concrete and cinder block wall.

Stephanie swears under her breath, she doesn't want the cyclone to go into the building, it will kill too many people. She urges it to go outside once more and guides it away from the facility and watches it as it goes far enough away. She sighs in relief as she can finally let the storm go.

Her consorts look at her in awe even as Talon opens the underground passages and their people come swarming out.

"I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, Stephanie. That was incredible." Talon tells her as she works herself down.

Jet watches her closely. He notices the signs of sweat on her brow. "You are too fatigued to go in and help the prisoners. You need to stay here."

"Jet, I love you, I do, but you don't get to tell me to stay here now that the hard part is over. I'm going in." Stephanie says mutinously and her eyes are flashing dangerously.

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