Chapter 11

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Houston, Texas

Today 6:35 pm

Thats still upsetting you?

Im str8.

Your most definitely telling a story.

You coming to my game?

Nijah just read the text but chose not to text back. She didn't appreciate how he was trying to blow off what she was saying. They were having a conversation again on how Nijah didn't want to open up about her parents. Sekani wasn't really trippin but he also was, if you understand what im saying.

He wanted her to feel comfortable with opening up to him. It was bothering him because she wasn't. Sekani could sit down and vent to Nijah as if it was nothing but when it came to her she'll just close herself off.

Connecting ...

"I know you seen me text yo bald head ass." Sekani said as soon as his face popped up in the camera.

"What? What are you talking about?" Nijah asked as if she was confused.

"You coming to my game li girl?" He asked.

"Yes, Sekani." She sighed.

"Dont leave me on read either or we gone have a problem. I'll fight yo li ass." He bucked. "But hollon Malaya callin me." He said hanging up. Nijah locked her phone ignoring her text from Vince and closing her eyes. Today was one of those days.

"Waddup." Sekani said as he looked up from his phone and started driving.

"What you doing?" Malaya asked.

"Finna go pick up my li sister." He said glancing down at his phone.

"Oh, want me to come to your game?" She asked.

"fashoo." He shrugged.

"Okay, ima come and i didn't know you had a sister."

"Got 2." He said stopping at a red light.

"oh, thats nice. Wanna go to the movies this weekend?" She asked poking out her bottom lip.

"I could fuck with it sunday but i got shit ta do Saturday."

"Whatchu doing Saturday?" She asked. uhn un weon even go out and this bitch tryna keep tabs he thought.

"Nijah volleyball game." He said and Malaya opened her mouth then closed it.

"Thought volleyball season was over?" She muttered.

"So you tryna go Sunday or what?" He asked ignoring what she said cause he quite frankly didn't like her tone.

"Yeah, we could go Sunday." Malaya said with a eye roll

"Aight." With that he hung up.

It was the end of the 2nd quarter of the game and it was 45-43. Sekani would look in da bleachers every 5 minutes to see if Nijah came but she wasn't there. Then he'll look off to his family sending them a head nod. Malaya was sitting with her friend girls as they mostly talked to each other the whole game.

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