Chapter 38

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Houston, Texas

Nijah woke up to the ringing of her phone. She looked on side of her and seen Sekani sleep and that they were still in Mahogany's bed. She sighed before answering the phone closing her eyes again.

"Hmm?" She answered.

"Sound like yo breath stank what you doing?" Mk asked.

"I was sleep." She sighed.

"Where you at, and why you ain't answering Maj calls."

"Didn't i just say i was sleep and im at my friend house."

"Shutup, and aight. Call him back when you getta chance. Ima fuck with ya." He said hanging up. Nijah took a death breath before locking her phone closing her eyes again turning around accidentally bumping into Sekani's chest.

She turned her head toward the door once she heard it open and she seen Mahogany coming in.

"You woke now?" Mahogany asked. Nijah just closed her ryes again and nodded her head before sitting up.

"My daddy nem wantchu." She told her and Nijah stretched before walking out of the room as Mahogany walked in.

"Get up." Mahogany said shaking Sekani.


"Go to yo room i let you sleep fa like 3 hours get out." Mahogany said.

"Finna beat yo ass."

Nijah walked into the livingroom where Kiya and k3 was and they both looked up at her when she walked in which made her nervous.

"Hey." She spoke lowly.

"Waddup, they put they hands on you often?" K3 asked.

"Umm, no they use to." Nijah said looking down at her fingers. "Like when i was younger and I didn't smile in pictures or when i did something embarrassing." She confessed.

"What?" Kiya asked scrunching her face.

"Yo people white right?" K3 asked and Nijah nodded.

"So they basically used you and when you didn't do right they beat you?" K3 asked putting two and two together.

"Basically." Nijah chuckled bitterly.

"You know what kind of work they do?" Kiya asked.

"They sale stuff basically and flip houses and stuff, and they have a brand for babies and stuff like that."

"I still need they address i can't do shit without a address." K3 said. He knew what he was gonna do. He was going to take a new approach at things since he couldn't get his hands dirty anymore. He wouldn't dare risk getting taken away from his family.

"Ima give it to you." Kiya said. "Finna make they life a living hell."

"I don't want y'all getting in trouble by the law or anything." Nijah said looking at them.

"The law?" K3 asked scrunching his face. "Ion fuck with 12, and this ain't the type of shit you wanna involve 12 in. A 17 year old black girl with two Karens. Shit ain't gone work in yo favor."

"Right, but you good. You need some where to stay?" Kiya asked.

"Umm, no i'll just go with my brother thanks for asking though." She said giving a small smile.

"Okay, well we're about to go by his dad's house. Wanna come with or you wanna get dropped off?" Kiya asked.

"Will there be food?" Nijah asked shyly causing Kiya to laugh.

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