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Baton Rouge, Louisiana

"Ken omg !" Nijah laughed pushing her shoulder making Kennedy laugh.

"No, seriously though. Ole big ass got the nerve to shame skinny women i hate when people do that." Kennedy shrugged.

"Yeah, he was wrong for that. But whatchu wanna eat?" Nijah asked.

"Let's go to Empire Wings its close." Kennedy shrugged.

"You sure, they have McDonald's, Chicken Shack, and um what else?" She asked as she started thinking.

"We going to Empire wings." Kennedy chuckled at Nijah's indecisiveness.

"Okay. That was your last ass of the day right? Because it was mines and im not going back." Nijah said.!

"It wasn't, but im not going to last my class. Me snd My professor argued everyday. Like sir im an adult not a child."

"Ken, he gotta put your grades in what the hell."

"I still do my work i wish that fucker would make me fail. Ima change my major." Kennedy shrugged.

"You is too much." Nijah said shaking her head as she reached her car and Kennedy hopped in the passenger side.

"Im for real though." Kennedy shrugged.

"I don't understand how you have a car but you insist on driving to my apartment every morning just to ride with me." Nijah said starting her car.

"Because, I honestly don't like driving." Kennedy admitted with a sigh.

"So your using me?" She asked.

"Not at all Miss. Marie."

"Yeah, i hear you."

Once they got to Empire Wings Nijah parked her car before they both got out.

"I gotta get use to this whether change." Nijah sighed.

"Always been like this. Mother Nature wake up with a different mindset every morning." Kennedy shrugged.

"Oh yeah, you were born and raised down here huh?" Nijah asked.

"Yes ma'am, yall probably only hear about the bad stuff that in br. But it ain't all that bad. I love my city." Kennedy shrugged.

"You plan on living down here your whole life?" Nijah asked.

"Nah, not at all. I love my city. But i love myself more enough to know that i need to get out and do some shit with my life." Kennedy chuckled.

"So where you wanna go?"


"Oouu thats nice." Nijah nodded.

"You plan on staying down here after college?" Kennedy asked her.

"I don't know, that would be something that me and Kani will have to discuss." Nijah shrugged.

"Oh yeah, i forgot about my li rude friend. How yall been doing anyways?" Kennedy asked as they both walked into Empire Wings.

"Good, his first game is coming up wanna come?" Nijah asked.

"Most def, he be talking cash money talk like he so raw."

"And he is, so get it right." Nijah said.

"Me and Darius gone be the judge of that." Kennedy said waving her off playfully.

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