Well shit

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Y/n's prospective
I think I'm gonna start to panic, 'did he run away? God damnit breathe y/n, breathe.' "So uh where the fuck did Madara go?"I asked, Obito shrugged
After that we looked around, after looking in the bathroom we decided to go into the basement and look we opened the door and got in, after closing the door we took a few steps down the stairs the light was already on, the first thing we saw was Madara's shirt "what the fuck" I whispered, as we got down the stairs we both looked around and started walking around.
We stopped walking it was a dead body. " Who the fuck died" I asked obito pointing at it, we knew it wasn't Madara, mainly because it was a girl, but still why I'm not freaked out but still.
He looked at it "it looks weird" he poked the body, and shrugged "I dunno"
"Ew don't touch it, it could have something wrong with it" I continued , "though the closer I look at it though it looks like it was burned by some sort acid" i sighed. As we got up and looked for Madara again.
We then stopped, we saw drugs, not the good kind either, homemade drugs. This is a museum for kids that's about dinosaurs. Not one for adults. "That doesn't look very good" Obito says has he looked at the drugs.
There was something that was smashed  and glass was everywhere. The Table had been burned through. 'Maybe this is why that girl was burned' I thought.
We were walking again I sighed "is he even here"
"I don't know he could be dead, but Madara wouldn't die he's Madara." Obito said
"True" I kicked a piece of dull glass away with my shoe.
"Y/n stop" Obito said he looked at me. We stopped walking,
I stopped I heard a voice "you little shit!" We heard it, and it was Madara's voice.

So yeah Madara ran away bye bros hope you enjoy the story  🦐🦶❤️

The Basement -Madara x reader x obito Where stories live. Discover now