Chapter 10

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"We shall," I replied while smiling back at him. He took my hand in his and led me to his car. I got into the passenger seat while he was in the driver's seat. I didn't actually know where we were going but I didn't ask and just waited until we got there to find out. We chatted and got to know each other more while he drove to our destination. 

Eventually he stopped the car by a park. The two of us got out of the car, walking around the park together. There was barely anyone at the park but if we ever saw someone they stayed far away from us. I didn't really mind as much since we got our time together without anyone bothering but then Yoongi's phone rang. 

"Hello?" he said after answering the phone then he handed it to me. "Someone named Namjoon?"

I sighed and took the phone from him. "Hey Joon! What do you need?"

"I need help! Taehyung left me alone with the couple!" he whined then screamed. "AHH! They're making out! Help me! Please!"

"Then get out of there. Why do you think I ended up not coming home after we all got drunk. Flirting," I reasoned with him trying to finish his problem so Yoongi and I could continue spending time with each other. 

"Ok I'm leaving. Thanks love you bye!" He bubbled. 

"Love you too Joonie! Bye!" I cheered before hanging up and giving the phone back to an angry looking Yoongi. "Are you ok?" I asked. 

"Who is Namjoon? Why did you say "love you too Joonie" to him?" he asked while glaring into my eyes. 

Is he jealous! Oh my god! He's jealous! I decided to play along with it for a bit. "My boyfriend," I lied, eager to see his reaction. 

His eyes went wide and he looked at me in disbelief. "You have a boyfriend?! Then what about me?" he questioned still glaring right at me. 

"Since when did you consider yourself as my boyfriend?" I asked while starting to walk again, making him reluctantly follow me. 

"I mean, I don't consider myse-" he started but I cut him off. 

"You said and I quote. "Then what about me?" So you consider yourself my boyfriend," I reasoned and he sighed. 

"Ok fine. You win," he admitted. 

"So since when did you consider yourself my boyfriend?" I asked again, earning a glare from him. 

I just smiled and he broke into a small smile as well. "I've considered myself your boyfriend since the day you made me feel something I've never felt before."

I felt my face warm up when he said that. I looked at him shocked. "W-what?"

"But I guess I can't actually be your boyfriend since you already have one," he said with a frown. 

"I don't actually have a boyfriend. I was just messing with you," I told him and he looked somewhat satisfied. 

"Then who was that guy?"

"My friend."

"That lives with you?"

"Yeah! I live with my two brothers and two friends!"

"You're not the only girl right?"

"Me and one of the two friends."

"Oh ok. So about the boyfriend thing though-" he started again and I cut him off again.

"I'll think about it. Let's just continue with our day as it is," I interrupted and dragged him off to a cheap restaurant for lunch. The truth is I'm pretty sure I like Yoongi too but I can't forget my first love just like that. I loved that man and I still do. I don't know if I'm ready to fall in love with someone else, especially after hearing him say that he'll come back. 

He looked around the restaurant a bit awkwardly. "You know I could've taken you to a nicer restaurant," he said while still looking around the place. 

"Ah shut up! I get it that you're rich and all but a meat grill is a must!" I exclaimed looking at him shocked since it seemed like he's never been to one. 

"Yah! I wasn't always rich. It's just been a while since I've been to a meat grill," he reasoned and just then some guy came over with the grill. 

I ended up doing most of the grilling since Yoongi was absolutely horrible at it; but, Yoongi paid 'cause he just won't let me pay. 

After lunch we went back into the forest to hang out by the waterfall before we had to split. We chatted for a bit and I showed him a few pictures of Nayeon, Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung and he showed me more of Hoseok and Chaewon. Now that I think about; I saw Hoseok but I never got to see Chaewon. Maybe I'll meet her some other time. 

Hours passed with the two of us laughing and chatting and making great memories. It was around six thirty so we decided that we'd get dinner before he drops me off at home. This time he got to choose where we ate and obviously he took me to some fancy restaurant. 

I had no clue what to order since I had no clue what anything was so I just ended up getting chicken strips with fries on the side from the kids menu. Not my fault they made it so that only the kids menu was readable. 

Again Yoongi paid for this too. "Next time, I'm paying," I told him while glaring at him. 

He just chuckled. "We'll see who does it first," he challenged with a smirk. 

"Oh yes we will," I challenged back, returning the smirk. 

We walked back to the park where we first started our day, sitting down at a bench to chat a bit more before I went back home. 

"Let's play truth or dare!" Yoongi cheered while looking at me. 

I looked at him a bit confused. "Don't you think we're a bit too old for that game?" I asked him. 

He just shook his head. "You're never too old to play a classic game of truth or dare," he convinced. 

"Ok fine. Let's play," I said, making him smile a gummy smile. 

"Truth or dare?" he asked me. 

I thought for a bit before answering with, "Truth."

"Have you ever fallen in love before?" he asked. 

I nodded. "I have once. Ok my turn! Truth or dare?" I asked. For some reason Yoongi looked a bit upset after I said that I have fallen in love before but he quickly replaced it with his gummy smile. 

"Dare!" he exclaimed with a smile. 

I was thinking of a dare  when I saw the slide on the playground and nearby was also a skateboard. "You have to promise me you'll be careful when you do this. I dare you to go down the slide on that skateboard," I dared him and he looked really happy about it. 

"Sweet! Sounds fun!" he said while getting up and heading over to where the skateboard was. He took it and went to the top of the playground. And he actually did it. He skateboarded down the slide and landed perfectly!

"Oh my god! How did you do that!?" I shouted really surprised he actually did it successfully but also happy that he didn't get hurt. 

He shrugged. "I'm a genius you know. Now! Truth or dare?" he asked. 

"Dare!" I said confidently. Hopefully he doesn't tell me to do something dangerous. 

"I dare you to kiss me."

To Be Continued...

My First Second Love - BTS Min Yoongi FFΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα